Are Dachshunds Good Guard Dogs?

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Dachshunds have been a popular breed of dogs for many years, known for their affectionate and playful personalities. However, some people may wonder whether they make good watchdogs.  After all, their small size and tendency to bark at any unfamiliar noise can give the impression that they are not very effective in keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings. 


Dachshunds can make good watchdogs in some cases. They are known for their strong barking instincts and protective nature towards their owners, which makes them alert to any unusual activity around their territory. However, they are not necessarily ideal for large properties or as a full-time watchdogs. They can also become overly attached to their owners and develop small dog syndrome, where they bark excessively and become territorial. Overall, their watchdog abilities depend on their individual personality and training, but with proper socialization and training, Dachshunds can be effective watchdogs.


In this article, we will explore the question of whether dachshunds are good watchdogs and what makes them suitable for this role. We will consider their temperament, training, and physical abilities to determine if they are capable of protecting their owners and their property. Whether you are a dachshund owner or just considering adding one to your family, this article will provide valuable insight into their potential as watchdogs.


The Role Of Dachshunds As Watchdogs

Dachshunds, also known as “wiener dogs,” were originally bred to hunt badgers and other small game. Their small size, low profile, and strong hunting instincts make them excellent watchdogs.


As watchdogs, dachshunds are alert, and protective, and bark at any strange noises or movements. They are known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners and will not hesitate to bark and defend their homes if they sense a threat.


Despite their small size, dachshunds are fearless and tenacious. They have a strong bark that can be heard from a distance, which makes them excellent at deterring intruders. They also have a high energy level, making them excellent at staying alert and vigilant at all times.


Dachshunds are also highly intelligent and trainable, which makes them ideal for obedience training and learning basic commands. This makes them great at responding to specific commands when it comes to their role as a watchdog.


In addition to their physical and behavioral attributes, dachshunds are also known for their strong sense of smell. This helps them detect and respond to potential threats before they become a problem.


Advantages Of Dachshunds As Watchdogs

As a watchdog, a dachshund can be highly effective due to its numerous advantages. Here are a few key benefits of using a dachshund as a watchdog:


  • Loud Bark: Dachshunds have a loud, distinctive bark that can be heard from a great distance. This can be a powerful deterrent against intruders, who may be discouraged from trying to enter your home if they hear a dog barking loudly.
  • Fearless Nature: Despite their small size, dachshunds are known for being fearless and unafraid of confrontation. This makes them great watchdogs, as they are not intimidated by larger or more aggressive animals.
  • Loyalty: Dachshunds are highly loyal to their owners and will protect them fiercely. This can be especially helpful for families with young children, as dachshunds will be quick to defend their loved ones from danger.
  • Alertness: Dachshunds are naturally alert and aware of their surroundings, and will often bark when they sense something is amiss. This can be helpful for alerting you to potential threats and keeping your home safe.
  • Trainability: Dachshunds are highly trainable and can be taught to perform various tasks and obey commands. This makes them easier to train for specific watchdog duties, such as barking when someone comes to the door or guarding the perimeter of your property.


Disadvantages Of Dachshunds As Watchdogs

  • Size: Dachshunds are small in size, and their small stature makes them less effective as watchdogs. They are not physically intimidating, and their bark might not be enough to scare off intruders.
  • Friendliness: Dachshunds are generally friendly and affectionate dogs, and they tend to be more interested in socializing with people than in guarding their home. This means that they are unlikely to bark at or attack intruders.
  • Aggression: Although some dachshunds can be territorial and aggressive, this is not a common trait in the breed. In many cases, dachshunds will simply bark and retreat rather than defend their home.
  • Training: Dachshunds can be difficult to train, especially when it comes to obedience training. This means that they may not respond to commands when they are needed to protect their home.
  • Health Issues: Dachshunds are prone to certain health issues, such as spinal problems, which can limit their ability to perform as watchdogs. This can also make them more vulnerable to injury when they encounter intruders.



Dachshunds, despite their small size, can be excellent watchdogs. They have a strong territorial instinct and will bark at any unusual noise or activity. However, their barking may not be enough to deter a determined intruder, and they may not have the physical ability to protect their owners in a dangerous situation. Training and socialization can help improve their watchdog abilities, but it is important to remember that they are not a substitute for a proper security system. Overall, Dachshunds can make good watchdogs, but they are not the best option for those looking for a primary means of protection.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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