Dachshund Heat Cycle: Everything You Need To Know

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It’s crucial to understand the Dachshund’s heat cycles if you own an intact dog. Knowing when your dog goes into heat is essential whether you decide to breed them or just want to prevent unplanned births.

Let’s explore the specifics of the heat cycle in our Dachshund companions in order to allay any of your heat-related concerns!

Most Dachshunds go through their first heat cycle between the ages of 6 and 12 months. You may observe the first indicators of a dachshund entering heat, such as a swollen vulva, discharge, blood spots, tail tucking, and a notable change in behavior.


How Long Is A Dachshund In Heat?

A dachshund is in the heat for approximately 3 weeks. During this time, the female dachshund will be receptive to male dogs and may exhibit behavioral changes such as increased vocalization and restlessness. It is important to keep the female dachshund away from male dogs during this time to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Additionally, the female dachshund may have a discharge during this time which can be managed with proper hygiene practices. It is important to consult with a veterinarian for specific recommendations and guidance during the heat cycle.


How Often Will A Dachshund Go Into Heat?

A dachshund will typically go into heat every six to nine months, although some may go into heat more frequently or infrequently. During this time, the female dachshund will be receptive to male dogs and may exhibit behavior such as increased vocalization, restlessness, and marking territory.

The heat cycle in a dachshund can last anywhere from one to three weeks, with the most receptive period typically occurring in the middle of the cycle. After the heat cycle ends, the dachshund will experience a period of inactivity known as anestrus, during which she will not be receptive to male dogs.

It is important to spay or neuter a dachshund to prevent unwanted pregnancies and to avoid the potential health risks associated with multiple heat cycles. Spaying or neutering can also help to reduce aggressive or territorial behavior in male dachshunds.


What Are The Stages Of The Heat Cycle In Dachshunds?

There are four stages of the heat cycle in dachshunds:

  1. Proestrus: This is the first stage of the heat cycle and lasts for about 1-2 weeks. During this stage, the female dachshund’s body is preparing for ovulation. She may have swollen vulva and discharge. She may also exhibit behavioral changes such as being more attentive to male dogs and marking her territory more frequently.
  2. Estrus: This is the second stage of the heat cycle and lasts for about 1-2 weeks. During this stage, the female dachshund is ovulating and is ready to mate. She will be more receptive to male dogs and may even allow them to mount her. This is the most fertile period for the dachshund.
  3. Diestrus: This is the third stage of the heat cycle and lasts for about 2-3 months. During this stage, the female dachshund’s body is recovering from the previous stages and preparing for the next heat cycle. She will no longer be receptive to male dogs and will not allow them to mount her.
  4. Anestrus: This is the final stage of the heat cycle and lasts for about 3-4 months. During this stage, the female dachshund’s body is resting and not preparing for ovulation. She will not exhibit any behavioral changes or physical signs of being in heat.


What Are The Signs That Your Dachshund Is In Heat?

There are several signs that your dachshund may be in the heat:

  1. Swelling of the vulva: During heat, the vulva of your dachshund will swell and become more prominent.
  2. Vaginal bleeding: Your dachshund may also experience vaginal bleeding during the heat. This is a normal part of the estrus cycle.
  3. Increased urination: Your dachshund may also urinate more frequently during the heat. This is a way for her to mark her territory and attract male dogs.
  4. Increased vocalization: Your dachshund may also become more vocal during the heat. This is a way for her to attract male dogs.
  5. Increased aggression: Your dachshund may also become more aggressive during the heat. This is due to hormonal changes and the desire to attract a mate.
  6. Increased grooming: Your dachshund may also groom herself more frequently during the heat. This is a way for her to keep herself clean and attract a mate.


What Happens When A Dachshund Is In Heat?

When a dachshund goes into heat, also known as estrus, it will experience a number of physical and behavioral changes. Their vulva will become swollen and they may have a discharge.

They may become more affectionate and vocal and may exhibit increased marking behavior by urinating more frequently. They may also become more restless and anxious and may try to escape from their enclosure or yard in search of a mate.

During this time, it is important for dachshund owners to take extra precautions to prevent accidental breeding, such as keeping the dog confined and supervised and avoiding contact with male dogs. It is also important to spay or neuter dachshunds to prevent future heat cycles and the potential health problems that can come with them.


How To Care For A Dachshund During Heat?

  • Keep your dachshund away from male dogs: It is important to keep your female dachshund away from male dogs during her heat cycle to prevent unintended pregnancies.
  • Wear a diaper or belly band: If you cannot keep your dachshund away from male dogs, consider using a diaper or belly band to prevent accidental breeding.
  • Keep your dachshund clean: During heat, your dachshund may experience vaginal discharge which can be messy. Make sure to clean your dachshund’s hind end regularly to prevent any accidents or discomfort.
  • Monitor your dachshund’s behavior: Pay attention to your dachshund’s behavior during her heat cycle. If she seems anxious or agitated, try to calm her down with some extra attention and cuddles.
  • Consult with your veterinarian: If you are unsure about how to care for your dachshund during her heat cycle, consult with your veterinarian for advice and guidance. They can recommend any necessary precautions or treatments to ensure your dachshund stays healthy and comfortable during this time.



Dachshunds, like all female dogs, have a heat cycle, also known as estrus, during which they are sexually receptive and can become pregnant. This cycle occurs every six to eight months and lasts for about three weeks. During this time, female dachshunds may experience physical and behavioral changes, including swelling of the vulva, increased urination, and increased attraction to male dogs. It is important for dachshund owners to be aware of their dog’s heat cycle and to take appropriate precautions to prevent accidental breeding. In conclusion, understanding and managing a dachshund’s heat cycle is essential for responsible pet ownership.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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