Dachshunds And Children: How To Create A Safe Relationship

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Dachshunds, also known as “sausage dogs” or “wiener dogs,” are a popular breed of dog known for their playful and loving nature. They are a great choice for families with children, as they are small and easy to take care of. However, it is important to ensure that the relationship between dachshunds and children is safe and healthy. 


In this article, we will explore some tips on how to ensure a safe relationship between dachshunds and children, including training, supervision, and communication. By following these tips, families can enjoy the companionship and love of a dachshund while keeping their children safe and happy.


Characteristic Of Dachshunds

Dachshunds are a popular breed of dog known for their playful and affectionate nature. They are also known for their small size, making them a great choice for families with children. However, it is important to ensure that the relationship between dachshunds and children is safe and healthy. Here are some characteristics of dachshunds to keep in mind when introducing them to children:


  • Dachshunds are small dogs and can be easily injured. Children should be taught to be gentle with them and to handle them with care.
  • Dachshunds can be protective of their owners and may not take kindly to strangers, especially children. It is important to socialize with them from a young age to prevent any aggressive behavior.
  • Dachshunds have a strong prey drive and may chase after small animals or children. It is important to supervise them at all times and to teach children to be aware of this behavior.
  • Dachshunds can be stubborn and may not respond well to commands. Children should be taught to be patient and consistent when training them.
  • Dachshunds can be prone to certain health problems, such as back problems and obesity. Children should be taught to take care of themselves and to monitor their health.


How To Prepare Children For A Dachshund

  • Talk to your children about the responsibilities of owning a pet. Explain that a dachshund requires daily exercise, feeding, grooming, and regular veterinary check-ups.


  • Show your children pictures or videos of dachshunds to give them an idea of what to expect. Talk about the breed’s characteristics, such as their small size and playful nature.


  • Teach your children how to properly handle and interact with a dachshund. Show them how to pet the dog gently, how to pick them up, and how to give them treats.


  • Discuss safety guidelines with your children. Teach them not to pull the dog’s ears or tail, and to be mindful of the dog’s small size when playing with them.


  • Prepare a space for the dog in your home. Set up a bed, a feeding area, and a designated play area for the dachshund.


  • Encourage your children to participate in the dog’s care by assigning them tasks such as feeding, walking, and grooming. This will help them understand the commitment required to own a pet.


  • Remind your children that a dachshund is a living being and should be treated with kindness and respect. Encourage them to form a bond with the dog through positive interactions and playtime.


Socialization For Dachshunds

  • Start socialization early: The earlier you start socializing with your dachshund, the better. Introduce them to different people, animals, and environments while they are still puppies. This will help them to become more confident and comfortable in different situations.


  • Supervise interactions: Always supervise interactions between your dachshund and children. This will help to prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring.


  • Teach children how to interact with the dog: Children should be taught how to approach and interact with the dog. They should be taught to be gentle and to not pull or tug on the dog’s tail or ears.


  • Train your dachshund: Basic obedience training can help to ensure that your dachshund is well-behaved and responds to commands. This can also help to prevent any accidents or injuries from occurring.


  • Provide a safe space: Make sure that your dachshund has a safe space where they can retreat to if they feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable. This can be a crate or a designated room in the house.


By following these tips, you can ensure that the relationship between your dachshund and children is safe and healthy. Remember to be patient and consistent in your training and socialization efforts, and your dachshund will be a great companion for your children.


Safety Precautions

When introducing a dachshund to children, it is important to take certain safety precautions to ensure a safe and positive relationship. First, it is important to supervise all interactions between the dachshund and children at all times. This includes monitoring playtime, feeding, and grooming. 


Secondly, it is important to teach children how to properly handle and interact with the dachshund, including how to pet them gently and how to avoid rough play that could harm the dog.


Additionally, it is important to educate children on the importance of respecting the dachshund’s personal space and boundaries, such as not disturbing them while they are sleeping or eating. 


Lastly, it is important to provide the dachshund with a safe and comfortable space where they can retreat if they become overwhelmed or stressed. By taking these precautions, the relationship between dachshunds and children can be safe and enjoyable for all parties involved.



In conclusion, dachshunds can make great companions for children, but it is important to ensure that both the dog and child are properly trained and socialized to ensure a safe and happy relationship. Parents should always supervise interactions between their child and the dachshund, and teach their child how to properly interact with the dog. Dachshunds should be trained to tolerate and respond well to handling and should be socialized to different environments and people, including children. By following these guidelines and being mindful of the dog’s and child’s needs, a loving and safe relationship between a dachshund and child can be formed.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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