How Long Is A Dachshund Pregnant For?

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Both standard and tiny dachshunds should give birth to puppies in about 2 months or 2 months and a few days on average. Or, to be more specific, an average of 63 to 65 days. The dog may give birth a few days early or later in some circumstances.

In the rarest of circumstances, a dog may give birth as early as day 53 or as late as day 71. However, based on your dog’s medical history and certain health pre-conditions and difficulties, discuss them with your vet in advance about those. In general, it’s recommended to call your vet right away if your dog goes into labor before the 61st day or hasn’t done so by the 66th day.


What Are Signs Of Pregnancy In Dachshunds?

Here are a few clues that your Dachshund might be expecting:


  • Behavioral Changes

Your Dachshund may be pregnant if her behavior alters in certain ways. She might, for instance, turn to you more frequently than normal for comfort. A Dachshund that is pregnant might linger next to you more frequently.

On the other side, a pregnant Dachshund might also want solitude and not to be harassed. If she receives any attention, she might even appear agitated or depressed.

Take your Dachshund to the vet for pregnancy testing if you notice that her behavior has altered.


  • Changes In Appetite

Your Dachshund’s appetite may fluctuate in a variety of ways depending on what stage of pregnancy she is in. She may regularly vomit or consume less food than normal at the start or middle of her pregnancy.

She might, however, not enjoy her food or consume more than usual.

The hormonal changes in your Dachshund are what are causing this change in appetite. To make sure she is getting enough nutrients to support her and the developing puppies within her belly during her pregnancy, you must discover the precise food that she enjoys.

  • Enlarged Or Discolored Nipples

Your Dachshund’s nipples are typically small, but pregnancy makes them bigger, especially in the beginning.

Usually, the areolas are flat, but pregnancy causes them to become somewhat rounded in preparation for the milk production process.

The blood flow to the nipples is increased during pregnancy, giving them a slightly darker red hue than normal. The nipples will occasionally leak milk toward the end of the pregnancy.

  • Weight Gain & Enlarged Abdomen

Your Dachshund’s stomach gets bigger to accommodate the growing puppies. The stomach may be smaller or larger depending on the size of the litter.

If there is no explanation for your Dachshund’s unexpected weight gain, this is a certain indication that she is pregnant.

It is necessary to take your Dachshund to the vet to determine the precise number of weeks she is pregnant if you observe a rise in weight and an expansion of the tummy in addition to the preceding symptoms.

She will experience a dramatic increase in stomach size in the last few weeks of pregnancy as the puppies get closer to being ready to give birth.


When Can Dachshunds Get Pregnant?

Although it is not recommended, dachshunds can become pregnant during their first cycle. It is advised to wait until your Dachshund is fully mature, which is when she has gone through her second full heat cycle, before breeding her.

This indicates that you can start breeding her after a year. However, after she is 12 you shouldn’t breed her.

You must comprehend Dachshund’s reproductive cycle in order to breed her. Estrus, which occurs twice a year every six months, is when your Dachshund is fertile and in heat.

You might expect your Dachshund to become pregnant during the 21-day heat cycle.


What Happens During Labor?

It is advised that you have your doxie checked by your vet at least once a week during the last few weeks of her pregnancy. You may then estimate when your doxie will likely give birth to her babies.

According to some breeders, dogs who are about to enter labor would usually lose appetite 24 hours prior to giving birth. Not only that but there’s a sudden decrease in your dog’s body temperature.

Your doxie will experience some contractions and would repeatedly lick her vulva. There would then be a gray water sac that will emerge from the vulva, which your dog may bite to break her water.

Expect the first puppy to be born within an hour of her water breaking. The hardest part is typically giving birth to the first puppy. As a result, be sure to inform your veterinarian of your dog’s development at least every 15 minutes.


How Do Dachshunds Give Birth?

The ways that Dachshunds can give birth are as follows:

  • Natural Birth

When giving birth naturally, you should be mindful of your Dachshund’s pregnancy symptoms.

If it comes time for her to give birth, make sure her nest is prepared because she will be returning to it frequently and scrubbing the towels. She will eventually settle down and pant like she has finished a vigorous workout.

Your pulse rate will rise and your breathing will become more labored because this is not calming for your Dachshund. The first puppy may not be born for up to 12 hours.

The Dachshund will lick and bite the puppy’s sac after it is born to help it start breathing.

  • C-section

Although dachshund pregnancies are seldom challenging, due to their small size, occasional births may necessitate a c-section.

Your veterinarian will use an x-ray to evaluate the number of puppies and the size of their skulls to assist you to determine whether this is a good option for your Dachshund. A c-section carries dangers because it is carried out under anesthetic.



There are important details about your Dachshund’s pregnancy that you should be aware of. To better prepare your Dachshund for pregnancy, it is preferable to be aware of these things sooner.

To lower the chance of complications and health issues, you should plan your pregnancy.

To ensure that your Dachshund’s pregnancy is easy and comfortable, you should always seek the advice and assistance of the veterinarian.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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