How Much Exercise Does a Dachshund Need?

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Do you have questions about how much exercise your dachshund requires? You might wish to take him swimming, running, or walking but are unsure of his capacity. We are available to address all of your inquiries regarding dachshunds and exercise.

How much activity is required for dachshunds? Standard dachshunds require at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day as adults, whereas small dachshunds require at least 30. In order to keep him happy, healthy, and mentally active, his activity should involve walks and playtime.

For more information on the best ways to exercise your dachshund, how much exercise puppies require, and what happens if you overexert them, read on if you’re curious about how far dachshunds can walk, whether they can run, how quickly they can sprint, and if they can swim.


How Much Exercise Does A Dachshund Puppy Need?

Puppies of dachshunds require 5 minutes of exercise per month of age (Eg: a 3-month-old puppy needs 15 minutes of exercise per day). Start bringing him for walks when he’s between 4 and 6 months old (but only after he’s gotten his shots).

Up until your dachshund puppy is one year old and completely formed, adhere to the 5-minute per month rule because that is an excellent approach to build it up. At start, you don’t want to overwork them. When puppies exercise too much before their bones stop growing, it may affect how they grow and develop. As he ages, you should gradually increase the length of his walks. His growth plates will have closed by the time he turns one, allowing him to begin his adult exercise regimen.

The “5 minutes per month of age” restriction, though, only applies to leash walking exercises. Playtime, such as running about “off leash” in the garden or yard, is not included. In addition to this, there would be an exercise.

Before receiving their shots, young puppies cannot go outside. It will be enough exercise for the day to play around at home or in the garden. If you don’t have a garden, perhaps you can get some help from friends or family. Just keep in mind that your Dachshund needs to receive all of his shots before you take him to the park.


Do Adult Dachshunds Need A Lot Of Exercises?

Both young and aged dachshunds require special attention, without a doubt. Puppies (up to 6 months old) are easier because you don’t need to intentionally exercise them. Puppies in their early stages just play and run as much as they can. When the Doxie is six months old, you should start with a low-intensity exercise program of 30-45 minutes a day of outside activity and gradually increase it to an hour.

However, older canines are more challenging. This is due to the fact that each senior dachshund has a unique physical condition; some are completely healthy while others have grown ill. So, after your dachshund reaches age 6 (at which point they are considered “seniors”), you should only talk to your veterinarian about the dog’s physical requirements and capabilities.


What Are the Best types of exercise for Dachshunds?

  • Walking

Taking your dachshund for a daily walk is the simplest method to provide him with the exercise he requires. The majority of dachshunds enjoy going for walks on warm, sunny days. However, not all dachshunds will be excited about the prospect of going for a walk, especially if it’s chilly or raining. Therefore, getting him to leave the house may require some ingenuity (once they’re outside, it gets simpler!). Be persistent, especially if your dachshund is notoriously difficult to train. Because a dachshund’s lack of exercise causes its own difficulties.


  • Fetch

Playing fetch will allow your dachshund to satisfy his chasing nature. With Frisbees or balls, it functions nicely.


  • Football

Football is a fantastic ball game to play. Your dachshund will enjoy nudge-kicking the ball back to you so you can kick it again. Make sure the ball is suitable for children and is light, airy, and not too heavy.


  • Agility courses

Due to their incredible agility, dachshunds will enjoy weaving in and out of an unofficial obstacle course. However, stay away from activities that require jumping because dachshunds are prone to back problems.


  • Search and rescue

As it appeals to his hunting instinct, your dachshund will enjoy sniffing out treats from around the house or garden. You could convince the children to conceal if they want to participate instead.


  • Digging games

If your dachshund has a designated digging area, you might bury his favorite toys there and encourage him to retrieve them. And if you don’t, you should think about making one right away!


  • Toys

Squeaky toys are a favorite game for dachshunds to play with and enjoy tearing apart. He might even go get the toy you request if you name the toys. Just take caution not to pull games or play tug-of-war with him as this could hurt his spine.



Any healthy adult dachshund should be able to get enough exercise outside in an hour or so. The dog’s remaining demands for physical and mental stimulation can simply be satisfied at home.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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