How to Clean Your Dachshund’s Ears

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Every pet owner must regularly clean their pet’s ears, but Dachshund owners should take extra care.

Doxies have long, folded-over ears that effectively close off the ear canal. As a result, they are frequently harmed by moisture, parasites, and excess wax. This post will go over the importance of giving your dog’s ears special attention.

We also offer advice on how to properly care for a Dachshund’s ears so that your pet can continue to be happy, healthy, and alert.


Should I Clean My Dachshund’s Ears?

Yes, a Dachshund’s ears require routine cleaning. Due to the limited airflow provided by their large, floppy ears, which prevent much wax and moisture from evaporating, dachshunds are particularly vulnerable to ear infections.

This leaves them susceptible to bacterial and fungal illnesses as well as a tick, flea, and ear mite infestations, which like damp, dark places to live.

Even though parasites and ear infections are relatively simple to treat when discovered early, they can develop into more serious issues. Your Dachshund may develop hearing loss and swollen lymph nodes if the problem is allowed to linger.


How Do I Know If My Dachshund’s Ears Need Cleaning?

There are a few signs that your dachshund’s ears may need cleaning:


  1. Bad smell: If you notice a strong, unpleasant odor emanating from your dachshund’s ears, it could be a sign that they need cleaning.
  2. Excessive ear wax: If you notice a buildup of ear wax in your dachshund’s ears, it could be a sign that they need cleaning.
  3. Redness or inflammation: If you notice redness or inflammation in your dachshund’s ears, it could be a sign of an infection or other issue that needs to be addressed.
  4. Scratching at ears: If your dachshund is constantly scratching at their ears or shaking its head, it could be a sign that its ears are bothering them and need cleaning.
  5. Discharge: If you notice a discharge or fluid coming from your dachshund’s ears, it could be a sign of an infection or other issue that needs to be addressed.


If you notice any of these signs, it is important to consult with your veterinarian to determine the best course of action for cleaning your dachshund’s ears.


How Often Do You Need to Clean A Dachshund’s Ears?

The ears of a Dachshund should be cleaned once or twice a month, but you should inspect them every week to see whether they are unclean or stinky. Due to their large, floppily-shaped ears, dachshunds are particularly susceptible to ear problems, therefore it’s crucial to maintain their cleanliness.

If your Dachshund enjoys playing in the water or if you bathe him frequently, you should examine and dry his ears frequently. To make sure there is no water still within them, do this.

When your Dachshund is calm and at ease, is the ideal moment to examine his ears. Maybe while he’s snuggled up on your lap, enjoying your company.

He’ll probably assume he’s receiving an ear tickle and won’t even realize you’re doing anything!

Visually inspect the ears for any evidence of discomfort or filth, give them a whiff, and gently rub them to feel for any pain.

You’ll eventually learn how frequently your Dachshund’s ears require cleaning, and you can incorporate that into his usual grooming routine.


How To Clean Dachshund’s Ears

  1. Start by gathering all necessary supplies including ear cleaning solution, cotton balls or gauze pads, and a towel.
  2. Hold your Dachshund securely, either by having them sit on your lap or by gently holding their head.
  3. Use the ear cleaning solution to moisten a cotton ball or gauze pad.
  4. Gently clean the outer ear by wiping the ear flap and the area around the ear canal. Be careful not to push the cotton ball or gauze pad too far into the ear canal.
  5. Use a new cotton ball or gauze pad to clean the inner ear by wiping the ear canal. Again, be careful not to push the cotton ball or gauze pad too far into the ear canal.
  6. Repeat the process on the other ear.
  7. Use a towel to gently dry the ears, being careful not to rub too hard.
  8. If your Dachshund has any signs of ear infections or irritation, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, consult your veterinarian for treatment.



In conclusion, cleaning your dachshund’s ears is an important part of their overall health and well-being. It is essential to regularly check their ears for any signs of infection or wax buildup, and to clean them with the proper tools and techniques. By following these steps, you can help prevent ear problems and ensure that your dachshund’s ears stay healthy and clean.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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