How To Discipline A Dachshund

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Do you own a dachshund who consistently behaves poorly? Are you experiencing frustration and unsure of how to handle it? Everything you need to know about training a Dachshund is provided here.

How Should a Dachshund Be Trained? Positive reinforcement training is the most effective method for reprimanding a Dachshund. In order to encourage more positive behavior and teach your Dachshund the right way, you should ignore or calmly correct any negative behavior while rewarding positive behavior.

There is more information you need to know, though, before you ignore your Dachshund when it starts clawing your kitchen cabinets. Learn more about positive reinforcement training, whether or not you should ever reprimand your Dachshund, and the specific steps you must take by reading on.


What Is Positive Reinforcement Training For Dachshunds?

Dog training methods include “Positive Reinforcement Training.” It is predicated on the notion of positive reinforcement rather than punishment or negative reinforcement. This strategy has been shown to be helpful by researchers and instructors.

Because it employs positive reinforcement to encourage dogs to behave the way you want them to, it is comparable to the clicker training approach. It is a method of behavior modification that has proven extremely effective when used to both children and animals.

When our dachshunds behave in a way that we want them to, such as coming to us when we call their name, sitting when instructed to do so, or lying down without being asked, we praise them.

We utilize a lot of love and adulation. When our dachshunds comply with our requests, we want them to know that we are pleased with them. You can begin this training as soon as you receive your new puppy, regardless of your age.

Consistency is the key. Rewarding your Dachshund for good behavior is a good idea.


Should You Punish A Dachshund?

Never chastise or reprimand your Dachshund since doing so is harsh and will only make him fear you. It might prevent him from acting as he is right now, but it won’t show him what he is doing incorrectly.

You must train your Dachshund to stop doing something improperly if you want to. It’s up to you to explain to him how to behave in the manner you like.

You can’t expect your Dachshund to know what to do or how to act, just like a baby. Additionally, reprimanding him for errors could eventually result in more behavioral problems.


What Are Effective Ways To Dicipline A Dachshund?

Following are some tips for training a Dachshund with positive reinforcement:


  • Set clear boundaries

You have to make it really clear what your Dachshund is and isn’t allowed to do. If you aren’t completely certain of the rules, you can’t teach him how to behave appropriately.

This won’t work, for instance, if you don’t want to let your Dachshund sit on the couch but occasionally do.

Your Dachshund will be completely perplexed and unsure of what is acceptable behavior.

So don’t make up your rules as you go along; be explicit and consistent from the beginning.


  • Get to the route of the behaviour

Understanding the root of your Dachshund’s misbehavior is necessary before you can train him to stop. For instance, if your Dachshund is barking a lot inside your home, you should consider why.

Can he hear the barking of another dog that lives nearby? Does he bark at visitors who knock on the door? Is your window situated so he can see people passing by outside?

Your Dachshund may be barking out of playfulness, excitement, anxiety, territoriality, or fear, depending on the circumstance.

Once you are aware of what is causing the behavior, you may work on changing it with the appropriate instruction. Instead of just being annoyed by him every time he barks.


  • Reward your Dachshund for good behaviour

Giving your Dachshund a treat or lots of verbal praise and fuss when he accomplishes something properly is the key to positive reinforcement.

As a result, it is far more likely that he will continue to exhibit the behavior in the future.


  • Be consistent with your Dachshund

Every time you ask your Dachshund to do anything, make sure you follow through and maintain the boundaries you’ve established.

This is so your Dachshund doesn’t become confused about what’s expected of him and when.


  • Establish a routine

You’re preparing your Dachshund for success by establishing a routine for him. He will be able to do it and will be less inclined to misbehave as a result of uncertainty.

For instance, your Dachshund will become accustomed to holding his bladder until the time when he will be taken outside for a bathroom break. Additionally, if he anticipates eating at a set time, he will be less likely to wake you up in the morning to demand breakfast.


  • Be patient

Don’t lose patience when your Dachshund makes mistakes. This will occasionally occur and is a typical aspect of learning.

In fact, if you’re teaching your Dachshund a new skill, he’ll likely make mistakes frequently at first.

Therefore, when training your Dachshund, be patient and consistent. Showing him what you want him to do will make him want to satisfy you even more!


  • Don’t accidentally reward bad behaviour

Without even realizing it, we frequently reinforce improper or negative behaviors. Therefore, pay close attention to how you respond when your Dachshund misbehaves.

If you smile at him, pick him up, or otherwise interact with him, he might like the response and repeat the same behavior.

Unless he bites you, does anything that actually calls for you to move him, or utters the word “No!

In order to teach him that poor behavior has no positive consequences, it is best to ignore it.


  • Make it easier to get things right

You can ensure the success of your Dachshund by dog-proofing your home. Your Dachshund won’t be tempted to steal your most priceless possessions if you keep them away!

Moving objects out of your Dachshund’s reach can surely help to minimize issues, even though he still needs to learn right from wrong.


  • Stay calm

Keep in mind that your Dachshund isn’t trying to be mischievous or purposely offend you.

Your Dachshund is acting out for a reason, and it’s up to you to assist him deal with it and figure out what to do. Being a dog, he’s doing his best to make sense of the situation the best way he can.

Take a deep breath, keep in mind that he is not attempting to be mischievous, and then proceed. Use positive reinforcement strategies to teach your Dachshund the proper behavior in its place.


  • Don’t raise your voice

If your Dachshund is acting inappropriately, you can sternly yet calmly state, “No!” and then demonstrate for him what he ought to do.

Just don’t shout at him or raise your voice to him to make your point. Say “No!” for instance, if you see your Dachshund urinating on the carpet. ’. Pick him up gently and carry him outdoors so you may show him where to relieve himself. Next time he relieves himself outside, lavish him with verbal praise and a reward so he starts to equate going to the bathroom outside with good things and enjoyment.

Doing this will help your Dachshund understand what you want him to accomplish if you do it every time he does something correctly.



On the internet, there are many different kinds of dog breed comparisons. Only a small percentage of them, nevertheless, are true and correct. Before getting a dachshund, you should familiarize yourself with the breed.

Not only are dachshunds adorable dogs. They are affectionate, playful animals that are ideal for homes with kids. However, they can develop into aggressive, destructive, and even dangerous to approach if they are not properly socialized and trained.

A Dachshund puppy needs to be trained as soon as possible to learn how to act appropriately among other people and animals.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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