How To Exercise A Dachshund In Winter

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Dachshunds are playful and energetic dogs that require regular exercise to maintain their physical and mental health. However, exercising your furry friend during the winter season can be a challenging task, especially with the colder temperatures and shorter days. It’s important to keep your dachshund active even during the winter months to prevent them from becoming bored, anxious, or overweight. In this article, we’ll explore some effective ways to exercise your dachshund during the winter season, from indoor activities to outdoor adventures that can keep your furry friend healthy, happy, and entertained all winter long. Whether you’re a new dachshund owner or an experienced one, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to ensure your furry companion stays active and engaged during the winter months.


Indoor Games

Exercise doesn’t always have to mean going outdoors. There are many indoor games that can be played with a Dachshund. These games can provide the necessary mental and physical stimulation needed by the breed. Indoor games such as hide and seek, tug of war, and fetch can keep your Dachshund entertained and active.


Treadmill walks

Investing in a treadmill can be a great investment for your Dachshund’s winter exercise routine. You can teach your Dachshund to walk on the treadmill, and they will have access to low-impact walks in a safe and climate-controlled environment. However, it’s essential to start gradually with low speeds and short durations and only under supervision. Never leave your Dachshund unattended on a treadmill.


Indoor agility course

Agility courses provide physical and mental stimulation for dogs. You can create an indoor course by using household objects such as chairs, cushions, and blankets. You can hide treats under objects, and your Dachshund will need to navigate and find them. Agility courses promote coordination, balance, and problem-solving skills.


Doggy playdates

Socialization and playtime are essential for dogs, and this can be done indoors as well. You can organize playdates with other Dachshund friends or visit a dog park. Socialization is beneficial for your dog’s emotional and mental health. Dogs that are well-socialized tend to be more relaxed, confident and exhibit fewer behavioral issues.


Bundle up and walk outside

Walking is a natural exercise for dogs. However, it’s essential to exercise caution when walking outdoors during winter. By bundling up and bracing for the cold, you and your Dachshund can still enjoy walking and exploring. However, walks should be kept short, and your Dachshund should be dressed appropriately with a jacket or sweater. If the sidewalks are slippery, it’s best to avoid the walk altogether.



Swimming is another low-impact exercise that can benefit Dachshunds. It can also be a great way to beat the winter blues. However, swimming is only feasible if there’s an indoor pool available nearby, and your Dachshund is familiar with water activities. Before swimming, make sure to teach your Dachshund how to swim or enroll them in a swimming class if needed.


Food puzzles

Food puzzles are toys that dispense treats or kibble when played with. They provide a mentally stimulating challenge for Dachshunds and keeps them entertained. Food puzzles can be designed to challenge your dog’s intelligence and provide opportunities to learn new skills. You can purchase food puzzles online or create a DIY version.


Play in the snow

If you live in an area where snow is abundant, you can use this opportunity to play in the snow with your Dachshund. Although it’s critical to dress appropriately for the weather, playing in the snow can be fun for both you and your Dachshund. Snow also provides opportunities for new exercise routines such as snowshoeing or skiing.


Schedule regular veterinary check-ups

Winter can be a challenging time for Dachshunds, and it’s essential to monitor their overall health. Regular veterinary check-ups can help ensure your Dachshund is healthy and active during the winter months. Veterinarians can also recommend winter-specific health tips and provide suggestions on optimal exercise routines during the season.



Winter can be a challenging time to exercise your Dachshund. However, with a little creativity, care, and commitment, it’s possible to keep your dog healthy, happy, and active throughout the season. The activities discussed in this article are just a few examples of ways to keep your Dachshund engaged, stimulated, and well-exercised during the winter months. Remember, a healthy Dachshund is a happy Dachshund.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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