How to Hold a Dachshund Properly

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Dachshunds often referred to as “wiener dogs,” “sausage dogs,” and “doxies,” are distinguished by their long bodies and small legs. As a result of their odd dimensions, they are susceptible to back problems. Because Dachshunds’ spines are so delicate, it’s crucial for owners to know how to properly hold their dogs to support their backs.


How To Pick Up Your Dachshund Properly

It is important to hold your dachshund properly to ensure their safety and comfort. Here are a few tips for holding your dachshund:


  1. Use both hands: One hand should support the chest and front legs, while the other hand should support the hind end.
  2. Be gentle: Do not squeeze or hold your dachshund too tightly. Hold them close to your body to give them a sense of security.
  3. Watch your grip: Avoid holding your dachshund by its collar, as it can damage its neck and throat. Instead, hold them securely by their chest and hind end.
  4. Consider their size: Dachshunds come in different sizes, so be sure to hold your dachshund according to their size and weight. Smaller dachshunds may need to be held more gently and closely to your body.
  5. Pay attention to their body language: If your dachshund seems uncomfortable or anxious while being held, gently set them down and give them some space.


By following these tips, you can help ensure that your dachshund is comfortable and safe while being held.


How To Cradle Your Dachshund Properly

Everyone enjoys cuddling their housemates, especially if they are young. It puts us in a better position to interact with them directly and comfort them. You must first pick up a dachshund correctly in order to hold him in a cradling position. Because there is less control, we would advise avoiding going straight from the ground to the cradling stance.

Once you have your dog in your arms, lean his body against yours while supporting it with one arm tucked between his legs. Then you can turn your Doxie around using your supporting arm and your other hand, with your other hand finally acting as support against your body, by applying light pressure with your other hand to his back.


How To Prevent Back Problems In Dachshund

There are several ways to prevent back problems in dachshunds:


  1. Keep your dachshund at a healthy weight: Overweight dachshunds are at a higher risk for developing back problems. Monitor your dachshund’s weight and feed them a balanced diet to maintain a healthy weight.
  2. Use a harness instead of a collar: Collars put a strain on a dachshund’s neck and spine, which can lead to back problems. Using a harness distributes the weight evenly across the body and reduces strain on the back.
  3. Avoid jumping and stairs: Dachshunds are prone to spinal injuries due to their long, slender bodies. Avoid letting them jump or climb stairs, as this can put extra strain on their backs.
  4. Provide proper support: When carrying your dachshund, hold them under the chest and hind end to support their spine. Avoid picking them up by their front legs or tail.
  5. Regular exercise: Exercise is important for maintaining a healthy weight and keeping your dachshund muscles strong. However, be sure to avoid high-impact activities such as running and jumping.
  6. Consult with a veterinarian: If you notice any changes in your dachshund’s behavior or mobility, consult with a veterinarian to assess any potential back problems and discuss treatment options.


What Not To Do When Holding A Dachshund

  • Do not pick up the dachshund by its belly or legs. This can cause injury to their spine and joints.
  • Do not squeeze the dachshund too tightly. They are small and delicate animals and can easily be injured by excessive squeezing.
  • Do not let the dachshund jump out of your arms or off high surfaces. Dachshunds are prone to spinal injuries and can easily hurt themselves if they fall from a height.
  • Do not let the dachshund wiggle out of your grasp. They may be small and quick, but it is important to keep a firm hold on them to prevent them from escaping or getting injured.
  • Do not carry the dachshund by its tail. This can cause injury and discomfort for the dog.
  • Do not hold the dachshund for long periods of time without giving them a break. They need to stretch their legs and move around to keep their muscles and joints healthy.
  • Do not leave the dachshund unattended while holding them. Accidents can happen and it is important to have supervision at all times.



In conclusion, it is important to hold a dachshund properly in order to ensure their safety and comfort. This includes supporting their entire body, using two hands, and avoiding holding them too high or too low. By following these guidelines, you can provide a secure and loving environment for your dachshund and foster a strong bond between the two of you. Remember to always pay attention to your dachshund’s body language and comfort levels while holding them, and take breaks as needed. With proper handling techniques, you can enjoy all the joy and love that a dachshund has to offer.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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