How To Introduce A New Puppy To A Dachshund

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Are you considering getting a new puppy but have a Dachshund at home already? Introducing a new pet to the family can be a challenging task, but with careful planning and patience, it can be a smooth process. In this article, we will discuss how to introduce a new puppy to a Dachshund, taking into consideration their different personalities and the potential difficulties they may have.


Why is introducing a new puppy to a Dachshund challenging?

Dachshunds tend to be possessive of their owners and may feel threatened by a new puppy invading their territory. They have a strong prey drive and may view the new puppy as something to chase or hunt. Additionally, Dachshunds can be stubborn and set in their ways, making it difficult for them to adjust to change.


Should you choose a specific breed of puppy to introduce to a Dachshund?

It can be beneficial to choose a breed that is known to get along well with Dachshunds, such as a Golden Retriever or a Labrador Retriever. However, the temperament and personality of the individual puppy are more important than the breed. Look for a puppy that is friendly and not aggressive towards other animals.


What preparations can you make before introducing a new puppy to a Dachshund?

Before introducing the puppy, make sure your Dachshund is up to date on all their vaccinations and in good health. You may want to create a separate space for the puppy, such as a crate or playpen, to allow your Dachshund to have their own space. It’s also a good idea to gradually introduce your dog to the scent of the new puppy before a face-to-face meeting.


How can you introduce a new puppy to a Dachshund?

The introduction should be done gradually in a neutral space to avoid territorial aggression. Start by allowing your Dachshund to sniff the new puppy’s scent while on a leash. Gradually move closer to the puppy and reward good behavior with treats. Allow for frequent breaks and never force them to be together for long periods.


How can you monitor their interactions?

Monitor interactions closely and be on the lookout for any signs of aggression, such as growling or snapping. If either dog displays aggression, separate them and try again later. Keep a close eye on your Dachshund’s body language, as they may display subtle signs of discomfort or aggression.


How long does it take for a Dachshund to get used to a new puppy?

The time it takes for them to get used to each other varies, but it’s important to be patient and not rush the process. It may take days or weeks for them to become comfortable with each other’s presence.


How can you encourage bonding between your Dachshund and the new puppy?

Encourage bonding by allowing them to play together, supervised. Provide toys for them to play with together and use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior. Make sure to give your Dachshund plenty of love and attention, so they don’t feel neglected.


How can you prevent jealousy from developing?

To prevent jealousy from developing, it’s essential to continue to give your Dachshund attention and affection. Avoid lavishing all your attention on the new puppy, as this can lead to your Dachshund feeling left out. Make sure to spend one-on-one time with your Dachshund and give them their own space away from the puppy.


How can you help the new puppy adjust to their new home?

Introduce them to their new environment gradually, starting with one room before gradually allowing them into other areas of the house. Make sure to provide plenty of positive reinforcement and establish a consistent routine for potty training and feeding.


When should you seek professional help?

If you have concerns about the interactions between your Dachshund and the new puppy, or if there are signs of aggression, seek professional help from a veterinarian or animal behaviorist. They can provide guidance on how to properly introduce the new puppy to your Dachshund and help address any issues that arise.



In conclusion, introducing a new puppy to a Dachshund can be a challenging but rewarding experience if done right. With careful planning, patience, and a positive attitude, they can learn to coexist peacefully and even become the best of friends. Be sure to monitor their interactions, provide plenty of positive reinforcement, and seek professional help if needed.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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