How To Stop A Dachshund From Begging For Food

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Dachshunds are cute, cuddly and lovable pets that are known for their affectionate nature and playful disposition. However, one issue that many Dachshund owners face is their dog’s beg for food. This can be a frustrating behavior, especially during meal times, and can cause health complications for the dog. To help you address this issue, we have put together a comprehensive guide on how to stop a Dachshund from begging for food.


Understand why your Dachshund is begging for food

Before attempting to correct this behavior, it is important to understand why your Dachshund is begging for food in the first place. Dachshunds are intelligent and highly food motivated dogs, which means they will use a variety of tactics to get what they want. If your Dachshund is begging for food, it is likely due to one or more of the following reasons:

• Hunger: If you are not feeding your Dachshund enough or on a regular schedule, they may be begging for food because they are genuinely hungry.

• Attention-seeking behavior: Dachshunds are social animals and crave attention from their owners. If your Dachshund is not getting enough attention or affection from you, they may resort to begging for food as a way to get your attention.

• Learned behavior: If your Dachshund has been successful in begging for food in the past, they are likely to continue this behavior in the future.

• Curiosity: Dachshunds are curious by nature and may be begging for food simply because they want to know what you are eating.


Train your Dachshund with consistent feeding schedules

One of the most effective ways to stop your Dachshund from begging for food is by establishing a consistent feeding schedule. This means feeding your Dachshund at the same time every day, and giving them appropriate portion sizes. By doing this, your Dachshund will know exactly when they can expect to be fed, and will be less likely to beg for food outside of these times.

If you are unsure about how much and how often to feed your Dachshund, consult with your veterinarian. They can provide you with personalized feeding recommendations based on your dog’s age, weight, and activity level.


Provide your Dachshund with plenty of exercises and mental stimulation

Dachshunds are active dogs that require lots of exercises and mental stimulation to keep them happy and healthy. If your Dachshund is bored or not getting enough exercise, they may resort to begging for food as a way to relieve their boredom. To prevent this, make sure that your Dachshund is getting plenty of exercise and mental stimulation throughout the day.

This can include taking them for walks, playing games with them, and providing them with interactive toys and puzzles. By keeping your Dachshund active and entertained, they are less likely to resort to begging for food.


Use positive reinforcement to discourage begging behavior

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool that can be used to encourage desirable behaviors and discourage undesirable behaviors. To use positive reinforcement to discourage begging behavior, simply ignore your Dachshund when they beg for food and reward them when they are exhibiting desirable behavior, such as sitting quietly by your side during meal times.

When using positive reinforcement, it is important to be consistent and patient. It may take some time for your Dachshund to learn what behaviors are desirable and which ones are not. However, with patience and consistency, you can train your Dachshund to stop begging for food.


Teach your Dachshund basic obedience commands

Teaching your Dachshund basic obedience commands can also be an effective way to stop them from begging for food. Commands such as “sit” and “stay” can help your Dachshund learn self-control and reduce their need to beg for food.

To teach your Dachshund basic obedience commands, start with short training sessions and use positive reinforcement to reward them for good behavior. As your Dachshund becomes more proficient at these commands, gradually increase the difficulty of the tasks. With patience and consistency, your Dachshund will learn to obey your commands and become a well-behaved member of your household.


Use a distraction technique to discourage begging

If your Dachshund is persistent in their begging behavior, you may need to use a distraction technique to discourage them. This can include providing them with a toy to play with or giving them a treat that is healthy and appropriate for their diet.

When using a distraction technique, it is important to make sure that the distraction is not rewarding the behavior you are trying to discourage. For example, if your Dachshund is begging for food while you are eating dinner, giving them a scrap of food from your plate will only reinforce their begging behavior. Instead, provide them with a healthy treat or toy to distract them from their begging behavior.


Ignore your Dachshund when they are begging for food

One of the most important things you can do to stop your Dachshund from begging for food is to simply ignore them when they are begging. This may be easier said than done, especially if your Dachshund is persistent in their begging behavior. However, by consistently ignoring your Dachshund when they are begging, you are sending a clear message that this behavior is not acceptable.

It is important to note that ignoring your Dachshund does not mean withholding affection or attention altogether. Instead, redirect their behavior by giving them attention and affection when they are exhibiting desirable behaviors, such as sitting quietly by your side during meal times.


Use a visual cue to indicate mealtime

Another effective way to stop your Dachshund from begging for food is to use a visual cue to indicate mealtime. This could be as simple as placing their food bowl in a specific location or ringing a bell before serving their meal.

By using a visual cue, your Dachshund will learn when it is appropriate to expect food and will be less likely to beg for food outside of these times.


Do not give your Dachshund table scraps or human food

Finally, it is important to avoid giving your Dachshund table scraps or human food. Not only are these foods often high in fat and calories, but they can also be dangerous to your Dachshund’s health.

Table scraps and human food can also reinforce begging behavior, as your Dachshund will learn that begging can lead to rewards. Instead, provide them with a healthy and balanced diet that is appropriate for their age and size.



In conclusion, stopping your Dachshund from begging for food may require patience, consistency, and effective training techniques. By understanding why your Dachshund is begging for food, establishing consistent feeding schedules, providing plenty of exercises and mental stimulation, using positive reinforcement, teaching basic obedience commands, and avoiding table scraps and human food, you can help your Dachshund develop better eating habits and become a happy and healthy member of your household.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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