How To Stop A Dachshund From Chasing Cats

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As a Dachshund owner, one of the biggest challenges you may face is stopping your furry friend from chasing after cats. While it may seem harmless, this behavior can put your Dachshund in harm’s way and cause stress for both you and the cats in your neighborhood. Fortunately, there are several techniques you can use to help curb this behavior. In this article, we’ll explore why Dachshunds chase cats, the dangers associated with this behavior, and ways you can train your furry friend to stop chasing cats.


Why Do Dachshunds Chase Cats?

The instinct to chase is natural to most dogs, and Dachshunds are no exception. These hounds were bred to hunt and kill small animals, particularly burrowing animals like badgers, rabbits, and moles. As a result, they have a strong prey drive that can sometimes manifest as chasing after smaller animals, like cats. Chasing after cats can also be triggered by several factors, such as boredom, lack of exercise, or a territorial instinct.


What Are the Dangers of Dachshunds Chasing Cats?

While chasing after a cat may seem like a harmless game, it can put your Dachshund in harm’s way. A cat may scratch or bite your dog if they feel threatened, leading to injuries that may require veterinary attention. There’s also the risk of your Dachshund wandering into dangerous areas, like busy roads or unfamiliar neighborhoods, in pursuit of a cat. Additionally, if your Dachshund develops a habit of chasing after cats, they may begin to view smaller animals, like rabbits or squirrels, as prey and start chasing them, too.


How Can You Train Your Dachshund to Stop Chasing Cats?

To train your Dachshund to stop chasing after cats, you’ll need to be patient and consistent with your training techniques. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Start With an Obedience Class

If your Dachshund hasn’t already completed an obedience training program, signing up for one can be an excellent way to teach them basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “come.” These commands can be used to distract your Dachshund from chasing after cats and redirect their attention towards you.

2. Leash Training

Leash training your Dachshund can also help you keep them under control when they’re around cats. Start by attaching a leash to your dog’s collar and allowing them to walk around on the leash while keeping a firm grip. When your Dachshund begins to show an interest in a nearby cat, gently tug on the leash and say “no” in a firm tone. Once your dog has turned away from the cat, reward them with a treat or praise.

3. Introduce Your Dachshund to Cats Gradually

If your Dachshund has a lot of exposure to cats, try introducing them to a calm, friendly cat in a controlled environment. This approach can help your dog understand that cats are not something to be chased or feared. Start by keeping the cat in a separate room and allowing your dog to sniff around and explore the area. Gradually let the cat out of their room, always supervising your Dachshund’s behavior and correcting any chasing behavior.

4. Train Your Dachshund to “Leave It”

The “leave it” command is particularly useful when it comes to stopping your Dachshund from chasing cats. Start by placing a treat or toy in front of your dog, commanding them to “leave it.” When your dog looks away from the object, reward them with a treat or praise. Once your Dachshund has mastered this command, start using it when a cat is nearby. When your dog begins to show an interest in chasing the cat, issue the “leave it” command, and reward them for following it.

5. Engage Your Dachshund in Play and Exercise

Engaging your Dachshund in regular play and exercise can help reduce their desire to chase after cats. Take your dog on daily walks, and provide them with plenty of toys and games to keep them mentally stimulated. Investing in puzzle toys and treat-dispensing toys can provide your Dachshund with a mental challenge, which can reduce boredom and unwanted behavior.

6. Stay Consistent

Consistency is essential when training your Dachshund to stop chasing cats. Stick to a regular training routine and always reward your Dachshund for good behavior. Correct any unwanted behavior immediately, and make sure everyone in your household uses the same training techniques.


In Conclusion

Training your Dachshund to stop chasing after cats can take time and patience. By starting with obedience training, teaching “leave it,” and gradually introducing your Dachshund to cats, you can help curb their chasing behavior. It’s also essential to engage your dog in regular play and exercise and stay consistent with your training techniques. With time and effort, you can help your Dachshund become a well-behaved and happy member of your family.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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