How To Stop A Dachshund From Chewing

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Dachshunds are known for being lively, spirited, and sometimes, a little too aggressive with their chewing habits. If you have a furry friend that loves to gnaw on anything in sight, like furniture, shoes, or even people’s hands, it’s essential to teach them to control their behavior. Chewing can damage your furniture, hurt your loved ones, and cause accidents. But how do you stop a Dachshund from chewing? In this article, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks that will help you manage your pup’s chewing habits.


Understanding Why Dachshunds Chew

The first step in stopping your Dachshund from chewing is to understand why they do it. Most Dachshunds chew because they are bored, lonely, or anxious. Some might even have a dental issue or the need to explore their environment with their mouth. Your Dachshund could also be teething, which is a common factor for puppies.

As a responsible pet owner, it’s crucial to pay attention to your Dachshund’s body language and behavior to identify the reasons why they chew. Once you understand the root cause of their behavior, you can develop a training plan that targets that specific issue.


Give Them Enough Exercise and Stimulation

Dachshunds are energetic dogs and require daily exercise to stay healthy. Walking your Dachshund or playing with them regularly can tire them out and minimize their need to chew. Additionally, providing your Dachshund with lots of toys and puzzles can keep them entertained and engage their minds. Interactive toys like puzzle feeders or treat-dispensing toys can be especially helpful. These toys require your dog to work for their food and offer them additional stimulation and help in curbing the chewing habit.


Train Them Using Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement training can be incredibly effective in stopping destructive chewing habits. Rewarding your Dachshund with treats and praise when they refrain from chewing something they’re not supposed to can help them learn what’s acceptable and what’s not.

Make sure to reward your pet immediately after they stop chewing or when they take a toy instead of chewing other items. This training takes time, patience, and consistency on your part, but it will pay off in the long run.


Remove Tempting Objects from Your Dachshund’s Reach

If your Dachshund has a particular attraction for a specific object, like shoes, it’s essential to keep it away from them. Ensure that items that your Dachshund has a habit of chewing are removed. This might mean picking up shoes, keeping doors or gates closed, and storing objects on high shelves.


Provide Them With Safe Chew Toys

Dachshunds have a natural chewing tendency, so give them a safe, durable chew toy to satisfy their urge. Some of the best chew toys for Dachshunds are those that are made of rubber or nylon and have interesting textures that keep them occupied. Always get chew toys that are appropriate for your dog’s size, as small unsafe toys can lead to choking.


Utilize Bitter Sprays

These sprays contain a bitter taste that can help stop Dachshunds from chewing a specific object. It’s ideal for items that they continuously chew despite training and your best efforts. Spray a small amount of the bitter spray on the area or object that your Dachshund is chewing. The bitter taste will discourage them from chewing the item in the future.


Give Them Enough Social Interaction

Dachshunds, just like most dogs, thrive on social interaction with their humans. Keeping your furry friend engaged and happy with loads of attention, play, and lots of affection can minimize bad behavior such as chewing and barking.

If you’re away from your pet for too long, consider hiring a pet sitter or a dog walker to check on them and keep them company.


Avoid Punishing Your Dachshund

Disciplining or punishing your Dachshund for chewing is not only cruel but can be an entirely ineffective way to tackle the behavior. Physical punishment or scolding can sometimes make your pet anxious and more prone to destructive chewing habits. Opt instead for positive reinforcement training tactics to tackle the chewing.


Seek Professional Help

If none of the above methods seem to work, you might want to take your furry friend to the veterinarian or a professional dog trainer. There might be an underlying medical condition, such as a dental issue, that’s causing the chewing. A professional dog trainer can help you identify specific behavior issues and develop a bespoke training program to help with your pet’s chewing habits.



Dachshunds are lovely pets, but their chewing tendencies can be frustrating. However, with the right training and tools, you can stop your furry friend from causing unnecessary damage to your home. Always ensure that you understand the underlying cause of your pet’s behavior to develop a training plan tailored to their specific needs. Incorporate positive reinforcement training tactics, provide enough exercise, social interaction, and enough stimulation and toys.



With time and patience, you’ll be able to train your Dachshund to control their chewing behavior and enjoy a harmonious life with your furry companion.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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