How To Stop A Dachshund From Jumping On People

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As a Dachshund owner, you may find that your furry friend loves to jump on people that come to visit, but it can be a behavior that is not always welcomed. Not only can it be an annoyance to your guests, but it can also be dangerous for elderly or small children who could get knocked over. In addition, excessive jumping can lead to injuries for your pup if they happen to fall or land improperly. In this article, we’ll explore six ways to stop your Dachshund from jumping on people, as well as answer some common questions related to this behavior.


Start with Basic Training

The first step to correcting any behavior in your Dachshund is to train them properly. Jumping is often a sign of excitement, which is why it’s essential to work on controlling your dog’s energy levels. Basic obedience training commands such as “sit” and “stay” can be helpful as they give your Dachshund an alternative behavior to focus on when guests arrive. Start with practicing these commands in a calm and distraction-free environment and gradually progress to practicing them when guests arrive.


Ignore their behavior

Dachshunds are social animals and love attention, so they may jump on people to get noticed. If your dog jumps on people, it’s important to avoid giving them any attention. Ignoring their behavior will show your Dachshund that jumping on people does not result in any reward or attention from you. One effective method when practicing this technique is to cross your arms, avoid eye contact, and turn around from your dog while verbally admonishing it to stop jumping.


Teach your Dog to Greet People Politely

You can train your Dachshund to greet people politely when they arrive by requesting that your guests not interact with your dog until they sit down. This technique can teach your Dachshund to relax and decrease its excitement levels. Gently hold onto your dog’s leash and encourage it to sit and stay. Wait for them to calm down before giving the release command to allow them to interact with visitors politely.


Introduce a “No Jumping” Command

Teaching your Dachshund a “No Jumping” command can be useful in preventing it from jumping. The “No Jumping” command becomes useful with consistent practice as your dog learns to associate the command with not jumping. Start by teaching your dog this command during training sessions. Every time your dog tries to jump on you, give a loud “No Jumping” command and stop any interaction with your dog. This command requires you to be consistent, and your dog will eventually associate the command with not jumping.


Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement training can be effective in stopping jumping. As soon as your Dachshund starts exhibiting the desired behavior, such as remaining in a calm and relaxed state, praise and reward them with their favorite treat. Consistency with positive reinforcement training is key to quickly creating new habits in your Dachshund. With time, your dog will learn that it’s more rewarding to remain calm and relaxed rather than jump.


Invest in a Dog Anti-Jump Harness

A dog anti-jump harness can help reduce jumping in dogs by maintaining them in a seated position in cases of high excitement levels. The harness comes with a leash which can allow you to prevent your Dachshund from jumping while still maintaining its mobility and freedom of movement.


What Does It Mean When Your Dachshund Jumps?

As mentioned earlier, jumping is often a sign of excitement, and your Dachshund may jump when it’s feeling happy and energetic. They may jump to greet you when you come home, when they’re playing with you, or when they meet a new person.


Should You Punish Your Dachshund for Jumping Up?

Punishing your Dachshund for jumping up is not an effective way to stop the behavior. Punishment may cause its anxiety, and stress levels, reduce trust in you, and may worsen the situation. Instead, it’s best to teach your dog alternative ways of greeting people and work on reducing its excitement levels.


How long does it take to stop a Dachshund from Jumping?

Stopping the behavior of jumping from your Dachshund will depend on its training background and how frequently you work with it on the behavior. With consistency in practicing the techniques, you can start seeing results in a few weeks to a few months.


What other reasons might cause your Dachshund to jump on people?

Besides excitement and happiness, anxiety, fear, separation anxiety, or the need for attention may influence your Dachshund to jump. It’s helpful to consider more training methods and ask your veterinarian or dog trainer to recommend techniques that suit your Dachshund’s personality and neurology.



Stopping your Dachshund from jumping on people is a process that requires consistency, patience, and time. Training your Dachshund to respond to commands such as “sit” and “stay,” “No Jumping,” and positive reinforcement can be an effective approach to adjusting its behavior. It’s best to avoid punishment methods or interrupting the jumping behavior by punishing your dog. Instead, work to train, encourage, and redirect its behavior towards new, more acceptable habits. As always, it is a good idea to speak to your veterinarian or dog trainer for additional advice and professional guidance.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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