How To Stop A Dachshund From Licking

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As a Dachshund owner, you may have noticed that your furry friends have a tendency to lick everything and everyone. While this behavior can be cute and endearing at first, it can quickly become bothersome and even harmful. Dachshunds who lick excessively may be experiencing anxiety, boredom, or underlying medical conditions. It is important to identify the cause of your dog’s licking behavior and take steps to remedy it. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind Dachshund’s licking and discuss methods to stop it.


Why Do Dachshunds Lick?

Dachshunds, like most dogs, use licking as a way of communicating and interacting with their environment. Some common reasons why Dachshunds may lick include:

Anxiety: Licking can be a self-soothing behavior for anxious dogs. If your Dachshund is excessively licking, it may be a sign of separation anxiety or general anxiety.

Boredom: Dachshunds who are bored and not stimulated enough may resort to licking as a way to pass the time.

Medical conditions: Sometimes, Dachshunds lick excessively due to underlying medical conditions such as allergies or skin irritations.

Attention-seeking: Like children, dogs may engage in behavior that they know will get them attention. If your Dachshund is an attention-seeker, they may lick excessively to get your attention.


What Are the Risks of Excessive Licking?

While licking is a natural behavior for Dachshunds, excessive licking can lead to health problems and discomfort. Dachshunds that constantly lick themselves or others may develop:

Skin lesions and sores: Excessive licking can cause skin irritation and sores, making it easier for bacteria and fungi to grow.

Digestive issues: Dachshunds that lick excessively may ingest harmful substances that can cause an upset stomach or worse complications.

Behavioral problems: Dachshunds that engage in excessive licking may become more anxious, nervous, and disruptive.


How to Stop Your Dachshund From Licking?

If your Dachshund is licking excessively, there are several methods you can try to stop this behavior. Here are some of the most effective ways to stop your Dachshund from licking:

3.1. Identify the Root of the Problem

Before you begin any training to stop your Dachshund from licking, it’s essential to identify the cause of their behavior. Once you know what’s driving your Dachshund to lick excessively, you can take steps to address it.

For example, if your Dachshund is licking due to boredom, you can try increasing their playtime and providing interactive toys to occupy their time. If your Dachshund is licking due to anxiety, you may need to work with a behavioral therapist to understand and correct the underlying issues.

3.2. Distract Your Dachshund

When your Dachshund starts licking, it’s crucial to redirect their attention to something else. This can be done by offering toys, treats, or other positive stimuli to engage their interest.

Give your Dachshund something to do that does not involve licking, such as playing fetch or performing tricks. This will help redirect their attention and reinforce positive behavior.

3.3. Use a Training Collar

Training collars, such as the Gentle Leader or Halti head collar, can help stop your Dachshund from licking. These collars work by gently pulling down on your Dachshund’s snout when they start to lick, making them less inclined to continue.

While training collars can be effective, it’s essential to use them correctly and not leave them on your Dachshund for extended periods.

3.4. Make Licking Less Desirable

Another effective strategy to stop your Dachshund from licking is to make the behavior less desirable. You can do this by applying bitter apple spray or other unpleasant substances to your Dachshund’s skin or fur.

The taste or smell of these substances will discourage your Dachshund from licking themselves or others, making the behavior less appealing.

3.5. Reward Good Behavior

Last but not least, it’s essential to reinforce positive behaviors by rewarding your Dachshund when they stop licking. Whenever you notice your Dachshund not licking, offer them treats, toys, or praise to encourage the behavior.

By consistently reinforcing positive behavior and discouraging unwanted licking, you can successfully stop your Dachshund from excessive licking.


What Not to Do When Stopping Your Dachshund From Licking

While there are several effective methods for stopping excessive licking in Dachshunds, there are also some things you should avoid doing. Here are a few things NOT to do when stopping your Dachshund from licking:

Do not yell or punish your Dachshund: Yelling or punishing your Dachshund will only make them more anxious and reinforce negative behavior.

Do not apply harmful substances: While bitter apple spray and other anti-licking remedies can be effective, you should avoid using substances that can harm your Dachshund’s skin or health.

Do not ignore underlying medical conditions: If your Dachshund’s licking does not improve or is accompanied by other symptoms, you should consult with your vet to rule out any underlying medical conditions.



In summary, excessive licking in Dachshunds can be a sign of anxiety, boredom, underlying medical conditions, or attention-seeking behavior. To stop your Dachshund from licking, you should identify the root of the problem, distract them, use a training collar, make licking less desirable, and reward good behavior. By taking a proactive approach and understanding the causes of your Dachshund’s behavior, you can successfully stop their excessive licking and create a happy and healthy relationship with your furry friend.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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