How To Stop A Dachshund Urine Marking

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Dachshunds are active and intelligent dogs that are well-known for their stubborn personalities. They can be a joy to have as pets, but also require a lot of attention and training. One of the most frustrating behavior problems that some Dachshund owners experience is marking behaviors, particularly indoors. Marking can become a problematic behavior because it entails your Dachshund urinating on certain areas in your home to claim ownership. Here we will explore effective tips on how to stop a Dachshund from marking indoors.


What is marking behavior in Dachshunds?

Marking is when a dog urinates on surfaces or objects to claim ownership or territory. It’s important to distinguish marking from regular urination, which is done primarily to empty the bladder. Dogs may attempt to mark by lifting their hind legs and spraying urine on objects like walls, furniture, and curtains. Some Dachshunds may also mark indoors as a sign of submission or out of anxiety.


Why does my Dachshund mark indoors?

There are various reasons why a Dachshund might take up marking behaviors. Here are some common causes:

– Urinary tract infections
– Hormonal imbalances
– Separation anxiety
– Environmental stressors
– Territorial behavior
– Fear or anxiety
– A new pet, baby, or person in the home

It’s important to understand the underlying cause of marking behaviors, as addressing the root issue can prevent future incidents.


How can I prevent my Dachshund from marking indoors?

Preventing dogs from marking behaviors may require a combination of training and environmental adjustments. Here are some tips to help you prevent your Dachshund from marking indoors:

– Frequent potty breaks – Ensure that your Dachshund has ample opportunities to urinate when outdoors by taking them for frequent potty breaks.
– Establish a designated potty area – Provide a specific spot where your Dachshund can go to the bathroom outside.
– Consistency is key – Be consistent when it comes to schedules and commands during potty time and praise when appropriate.
– Distractions – Provide your Dachshund with toys, treats, and playtime when they’re indoors to distract them from marking behaviors.
– Use a belly band – Belly bands are cloth wraps that wrap around a dog’s belly and prevent urine from leaking. They can help manage marking behavior in the short term.


What should I do if my Dachshund has already marked indoors?

The sooner you can clean up a marked area, the less likely your Dachshund will return to that spot to mark again. Here’s how to clean a marked area:

– Soak up as much urine as possible using paper towels or a cloth.
– Use an enzymatic cleaner designed specifically for pet urine.
– Let the cleaner soak the marked area for 5-10 minutes.
– Use a clean cloth to blot the area as dry as possible.

Remember to avoid using harsh chemicals as they can be toxic to pets and may leave strong smells that can encourage marking behaviors.


Can neutering my Dachshund prevent marking?

In some cases, neutering can help reduce marking behavior, particularly if the behavior was caused by hormonal imbalances. However, neutering can take some time to have an effect, and it doesn’t work for all dogs.


What if my Dachshund continues to mark indoors?

If your Dachshund continues to mark indoors despite following these tips, it’s important to seek professional help. Consulting with a certified dog trainer or a veterinary behaviorist can help you pinpoint the underlying issue and develop a personalized intervention plan.


Can Dachshunds be trained not to mark indoors?

Yes, it’s possible to train Dachshunds not to mark indoors with consistency and patience. The first step is to understand the underlying reasons why your Dachshund is marking and addressing any underlying health or anxiety issues. Then, consistently reinforce positive potty habits and praise your Dachshund when they urinate outside. Avoid scolding or punishing your Dachshund for marking behavior as this can further exacerbate anxiety and stress


How long does it take to stop marking behavior in Dachshunds?

Stopping marking behavior in Dachshunds can take several weeks to months, depending on the underlying issue and the individual dog’s personality. Consistency is key, so it’s important to address the root cause of the marking behavior and implement positive reinforcement training consistently.


Can I use scents or sprays to prevent Dachshunds from marking indoors?

There are several sprays and scents available in the market that are designed to deter dogs from marking specific areas indoors. However, there is limited research available on their effectiveness. Some dogs may be deterred by the scent, while others may simply ignore it. If you do decide to use a spray or scent, it’s important to choose one that’s safe for your Dachshund and avoid harsh chemicals.


Are there any unique challenges in stopping a Dachshund from marking indoors?

Dachshunds, like many dogs, can be stubborn when it comes to behavior modification. They’re also a highly sensitive breed and may respond poorly to punishment or negative reinforcement. However, with consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement, marking behavior can be reduced or eliminated in most Dachshunds.



In conclusion, stopping a Dachshund from marking indoors is a process that requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. The first step is to rule out any medical conditions that may be causing the marking behavior. Once medical issues have been ruled out, it is important to establish a routine and use positive reinforcement techniques such as rewarding good behavior and ignoring bad behavior. Consistency is key, and it is important to make sure that all members of the household are following the same rules and routines. Additionally, providing your Dachshund with plenty of exercise and mental stimulation can help reduce their need to mark. With time, patience, and consistency, you can successfully stop your Dachshund from marking indoors and create a happy, healthy home environment for you and your furry friend.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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