How To Teach A Dachshund To Crawl

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Dogs are intelligent animals that can learn a wide variety of tricks and commands. Teaching them new tricks not only keeps them mentally stimulated but it also strengthens the bond between the dog and its owner. One such trick that you can teach your Dachshund is how to crawl. This article will guide you on how to teach your Dachshund to crawl and will provide SEO-optimized content that is designed to increase online visibility and reach a broader audience


What is crawling?

Before we go into how to teach your Dachshund to crawl, it is important to know what crawling is. Crawling is a dog trick where the dog moves forward with its belly touching the ground. It is a fun trick that can be added to your dog’s existing repertoire of commands.


Benefits of teaching your dog new tricks

Teaching your Dachshund new tricks has several benefits. First, it provides mental stimulation which is essential for the overall well-being of your dog. Second, it strengthens the bond between you and your dog. Third, it is a great way to keep your dog active and entertained.


Basic obedience training

Before you start teaching your Dachshund to crawl, make sure that your dog has basic obedience training. This includes commands such as sit, stay, come, and heel. If your Dachshund is not trained yet, it may be challenging to teach them new tricks.


Choose the right time and place

Choose a quiet and calm place to teach your dog the crawling trick, free from any distractions and noise. You don’t want your dog to be easily distracted while learning the trick since it may delay the learning process. It is also recommended that you choose a time when your Dachshund is relaxed and calm.


Steps to teach your Dachshund to crawl

Step 1: Start with your dog in a down position.

Step 2: Show your dog a treat, and then place it on the ground a few inches in front of your Dachshund’s nose.

Step 3: Slowly move the treat away from your dog so that he has to stretch his neck and reach for it. This action should make your Dachshund move his front legs forward and put his chest on the ground.

Step 4: Once your dog has his front legs stretched forward, praise him for his effort and give him a treat.

Step 5: Keep practicing steps 2 to 4 until your dog is moving with his chest on the ground.

Step 6: Slowly move the treat further away from your Dachshund so that he has to crawl with his back legs, dragging his belly on the ground.

Step 7: Praise your Dachshund and give him a treat every time he crawls to get the treat.

Step 8: Practice the trick until your Dachshund can crawl a few feet.


Using positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement, such as praise and treats, is a vital aspect of teaching your Dachshund to crawl. Reward your dog every time he makes progress or performs the desired behavior. This will help your Dachshund associate the trick with something positive and enjoyable.


Importance of patience

Teaching your Dachshund to crawl requires patience and consistency. Don’t overwhelm your dog with too much training in one day, or they might lose interest in the trick. Instead, keep the training sessions short and frequent, preferably a few times a day. Consistency is key when it comes to teaching your Dachshund new tricks.


Common mistakes to avoid

Avoid making the following mistakes when teaching your Dachshund to crawl:

– Rushing the training process: Don’t rush your dog to learn the crawling trick since it can take time to master it.

– Using negative reinforcement: Avoid punishing your Dachshund if they are not performing the trick. This can lead to anxiety and stress in your dog.

– Comparing your dog to other dogs: Every dog is unique, and they learn at a different pace, so don’t compare your Dachshund’s progress to other dogs.



Dachshunds are intelligent dogs, and they can learn various tricks with consistent training and positive reinforcement. Teaching your Dachshund to crawl is a fun and exciting trick that can add to your pet’s command repertoire while also providing mental stimulation. Moreover, keep in mind that patience and positive reinforcement are vital components of teaching the crawling trick to your pet. Give your Dachshund time to master the trick, and provide them the praise and rewards they need to succeed.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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