How To Teach A Dachshund To Give A Paw

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Dachshunds are a very intelligent breed of dogs that are eager to learn new tricks and behaviors. One of the most popular tricks to teach a Dachshund is to give a paw on command. This can be a fun and interactive trick that not only helps to entertain both the dog and their owner but also serves as a useful way to get your dog to shake off any dirt or mud on their paws before entering your home.

In this article, we will provide a detailed guide on how to teach your Dachshund to give a paw. We will cover everything from the basics of pawing to more advanced techniques such as using positive reinforcement to encourage your dog to perform this trick.


What is Pawing?

Pawing is when a dog lifts their paw and places it on a person or object. For some dogs, this behavior might come naturally, while for others you may need to teach them how to paw on command.


Why Teach Your Dachshund to Give a Paw?

Teaching your Dachshund to give a paw on command can be a fun way to bond with your pet. It also ensures that your dog will know how to behave when you invite guests over or go to the vet. Additionally, it can be a helpful way to teach your Dachshund to shake off any mud or dirt on their paws before entering your home, thereby keeping your home clean.


What You Will Need

To teach your Dachshund to give a paw, you will need the following:

● Treats: Use small and tasty treats as a reward for your dog.
● Clicker: This is a tool that makes a clicking sound when pressed and serves as a reward indicator.
● Patience: Keep in mind that teaching a Dachshund to give a paw takes time and practice.


Steps to Teach Your Dachshund to Give a Paw

Step 1: First, get your dog’s attention by calling their name or using a treat.
Step 2: Once you have their attention, hold a treat in your hand and hold it out in front of your dog.
Step 3: As your dog becomes excited by the treat, move your hand slightly higher until your dog has to raise their paw to reach the treat.
Step 4: As soon as your dog raises their paw, say “paw” and click your clicker.
Step 5: As soon as your dog has lowered their paw, give them the treat and praise them. Repeat this process a few times a day.


Gradually Increase The Difficulty Level

Once your Dachshund has learnt the basic concept of pawing on command, gradually increase the difficulty level. For example, start holding the treat out a little further away from your dog, so that they have to stretch more to reach it. This will help your dog get used to the target distance at which they should paw on command.


Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful training method that involves rewarding your Dachshund for a desired behavior. In this case, you will want to reward your dog every time they give a paw on command. This will encourage them to repeat the behavior in the future, and help you build a strong bond with your pet.


Consistency is Key

Consistency is key when it comes to training your Dachshund to give a paw. Make sure you always use the same command, such as “paw,” and provide a clear sign, such as holding out your hand to show your dog what you want them to do. Also, don’t forget to reinforce positive behaviors with treats and positive praise.


Practice Often

Practice makes perfect, and that counts for training your Dachshund to give a paw as well. Practice this trick as often as you can and maintain a routine. Over time your dog will start to associate the paw command with the desired behavior.


Be Patient

Remember, teaching your Dachshund to give a paw will take time, and some dogs may learn faster than others. Be patient and keep practicing consistently, using positive reinforcement and other techniques to encourage your dog to perform the behavior on command.



Teaching your Dachshund to give a paw can be a fun and rewarding exercise for both you and your pet. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can teach your dog how to paw on command using positive reinforcement, consistency, and patience. With practice, your Dachshund will soon be able to shake hands with you, or shake off any dirt or mud on their paws, making for a cleaner and more obedient pet.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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