How To Teach A Dachshund To Roll Over

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Dachshunds, also known as wiener dogs, are a beloved breed of dog known for their long bodies and friendly personalities. These curious and playful pups make great companions, but they can also be a bit stubborn when it comes to learning new tricks. One trick that many dog owners like to teach their dachshunds is how to roll over. Rolling over is a fun and impressive trick that can also help to keep your dog mentally stimulated and physically active. In this article, we will explore step-by-step instructions on how to teach your dachshund to roll over, including tips for making the training process as easy and enjoyable as possible. Whether you’re a seasoned dog trainer or a new dog owner, these techniques can help you teach your dachshund this fun and rewarding trick.


What is rolling over?

Rolling over is a trick in which your Dachshund will lay down and then roll over onto their back, returning to their original position. It is essential to mention that your Dachshund should not be forced or hurt in the process of learning this trick.


Basic commands

Before you start teaching your Dachshund to roll over, it is important to make sure that they have learned some of the basic commands, such as ‘sit,’ ‘lay down,’ and ‘stay.’ These commands should be familiar to your dog, and they should follow them without hesitation.


Starting with ‘lay down’

To begin teaching your Dachshund how to roll over, you should first train them to ‘lay down’ on command. You can do this by luring them with a treat or toy to the floor and repeating the word ‘lay down.’ Once your Dachshund has learned this command, they will be more likely to learn to roll over.



In addition to commands, dogs also respond to visual cues or gestures. You can use gestures to help your Dachshund understand what you want them to do. For example, if you want your Dachshund to roll over, you can hold a treat near their nose and move it slowly towards their shoulder. This will encourage them to follow the treat and roll over.


Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a great way to train your Dachshund. Each time your Dachshund does something correctly, such as laying down or rolling over, reward them with a treat or toy. This reward will encourage them to perform the action again in the future.


Breaking it down

Rolling over can be a complex action, especially for a Dachshund that’s never tried it before. It is, therefore, advisable to break the trick down into smaller steps that your Dachshund can master. Start with getting your dog to lie down, then get them to roll a little bit towards their side. Reward them for each successful attempt until they become familiar with the sensation and it becomes more effortless.



Just like with any other trick, repetition is key. Practice with your Dachshund at least once a day, and remember to reward them each time they do it right. Over time, your Dachshund will become more familiar with rolling over, and you will be able to reduce the use of treats as a guide.


Changes in environment

It is always recommended to train your dog in the same environment, to reduce distraction and encourage familiarity. However, your Dachshund might need to perform the trick outside or in a different environment. In this case, start small, and re-teach them. Over time, they will learn that the trick is the same no matter their location.



Teaching your Dachshund to roll over is not an overnight process. It can take weeks or even months to perfect the trick. You should, therefore, be patient and consistent with your training. When your dog makes mistakes, avoid punishment or yelling at them and instead focus on positive reinforcement.



In conclusion, teaching your dachshund to roll over can be a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can help your dachshund learn this impressive trick in a safe and positive way.

Remember to always use positive reinforcement and never force your dog to do anything they’re uncomfortable with. With patience, consistency, and plenty of treats and praise, your dachshund will be rolling over in no time.

Not only is teaching your dachshund to roll over a great way to bond with your pet, but it also provides mental stimulation and can help keep your dog physically active. So why not give it a try and see just how smart and capable your dachshund can be!

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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