How To Teach A Dachshund To Stay

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Dachshunds are known for their stubbornness, but with a little patience and consistency, you can teach your furry friend to stay. The command of staying is not just useful but also can save your dog from danger.

To teach a Dachshund to stay, follow these simple steps:


Start with Sit Command

Before starting with the ‘stay’ command, make sure your Dachshund understands ‘sit.’ It is the foundational command, and your dog needs to be comfortable with it.

Keep some treats handy and ask your Dachshund to sit. If your dog follows your command and dips its hip on the ground, praise it and offer a treat.

If it fails, gently push its behind downwards, and once the command is followed, offer a treat.

This process should be repeated and practiced until your Dachshund can sit on command.


Start with short distances

The next step is to start training your Dachshund to ‘stay.’ To begin with, it is essential to maintain short distances so your dog can get comfortable with them.

Command your Dachshund to sit and then raise your hand with the palm facing towards the dog. Issue the command ‘stay’ firmly, with your hand up, and move back a step.

If your Dachshund stays there put your hand down and return to petting.

If the dog moves, repeat step one and try once more. If your Dachshund follows your command correctly, give a treat and offer praise.


Use Positive Reinforcement for Distractions

The ultimate goal is for your Dachshund to stay in place, even with distractions like noises, toys, or food around.

To achieve that goal, introduce distractions while giving commands. For example, have someone else come and make noises or place food in front of your dog.

When distractions are introduced, the dog will look toward the distraction, but remember not to give treats for mistakenly following the distraction.

Instead, use positive reinforcement. Keep a hand on your Dachshund’s back, saying “stay”. If the Dachshund stays, praise and treat it.

If the Dachshund follows the distraction, bring it back and repeat the process until the stay command is followed.


Use Leash Training

Another way to train your Dachshund to stay is by using a leash to control the dog’s movements.

Put a leash on your dog and start with short distances, commanding your dog to sit. Pull the leash back and state ‘stay’ while maintaining eye contact with your dog and keeping the leash taut.

Once the Dachshund’s stays, wait for a few seconds, and praise the dog. Gradually increase the time before giving the treat.

Make sure to start the leash training training in a low distraction area to start. and move to where more distractions occur as the dog become more comfortable.


Use Hand Signals

Dachshunds can be responsive to hand signals, so use them alongside verbal cues.

Start by standing in front of your dog and raising one (or both) of your hands and then giving the command ‘stay’. This is a visual cue, but it shouldn’t replace the verbal command.

Repeat this sequence, rewarding your dog when it stays in place. Over time, your dog will associate the visual cue with the verbal command.


Practice Consistency

Training your Dachshund to stay will not only take patience but also consistency.

Provide the command ‘stay’ every time you ask your Dachshund to remain in place.

If your dog gets up or doesn’t listen, bring it back and repeat the training process.

If the command is consistently reinforced, your Dachshund will eventually understand the concept and behave accordingly.


Time and Exercise

It’s important to remember that even the most obedient dogs can struggle to follow the stay command if they are not in the right mindset.

Ensure that your Dachshund has had sufficient exercise and is in the right frame of mind for training.

Training your Dachshund after a play session or treat is likely to result in a more successful training session.


Setting Realistic Expectations and Goals

Remember that every dog is unique, and progress may differ depending on factors like age and temperament.

Set realistic goals for your Dachshund and don’t expect the dog to master the stay command in just one session.

Celebrate the small wins and keep practicing until your furry friend is comfortable with the command.


Consistent Practice of the Commands

The most important thing to remember when training your Dachshund to stay is the consistent practice of the command.

In addition, these commands must be regularly reinforced, and new stimuli should be gradually introduced to reinforce good behavior.

Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, and persevere until the stay command is successfully mastered.



In conclusion, patience and consistency are key when teaching your Dachshund to stay. Start with the foundational command of sit and move on to short distances and then gradually introduce more distractions.

Use positive reinforcement, visual hand signals, and leash training. Remember to set realistic goals, keep practicing the commands regularly, and above all, enjoy the training process with your furry friend.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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