How To Treat & Prevent Dachshund Back Problems

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As a devoted dachshund owner, it is essential to understand the unique health issues that these little dogs face. One of the most common health concerns for dachshunds is back problems. Dachshunds are prone to developing back problems due to their long and narrow body shape, which puts extra strain on their spine. This can lead to a condition known as intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), which is a type of herniated disc that can cause pain, weakness, and even paralysis.

In this article, we will explore what causes back problems in dachshunds, the symptoms to look out for, and how you can treat and prevent back problems in your furry friend.


What Causes Back Problems in Dachshunds?

As mentioned earlier, dachshunds are prone to back problems due to their long and narrow body shape. This body shape puts extra strain on their spine, which can cause the discs between their vertebrae to become compressed. When this happens, the disc can herniate, or slip out of place, and press against the spinal cord. This can cause pain, weakness, and even paralysis.

Other factors that can contribute to back problems in dachshunds include:

– Genetics: Some dachshunds are predisposed to developing back problems due to a genetic defect that causes their spine to be more prone to herniated discs.
– Age: Back problems are more common in older dachshunds.
– Obesity: Being overweight can put extra strain on a dachshund’s spine and increase their risk of developing back problems.
– Injury: A traumatic injury such as a fall or rough play can cause a disc in a dachshund’s spine to herniate.


What Are the Symptoms of Back Problems in Dachshunds?

If your dachshund is experiencing back problems, you may notice the following symptoms:

– Reluctance to move or play
– Hunched posture
– Difficulty jumping or climbing stairs
– Stiffness in the back or legs
– Yelping or crying when touched or picked up
– Loss of bladder or bowel control

If you notice any of these symptoms in your dachshund, it is essential to take them to the vet as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis.


How Are Back Problems in Dachshunds Diagnosed?

To diagnose back problems in your dachshund, your vet will perform a physical exam and may recommend additional diagnostic tests such as:

– X-rays: X-rays can help your vet see if there are any changes in the shape or alignment of your dachshund’s spine.
– Myelography: Myelography is a type of imaging test that uses contrast dye to highlight any abnormalities in the spinal cord or nerve roots.
– Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): MRI is a more detailed imaging test that can provide a clear view of the spinal cord and surrounding tissues.

Once your vet has diagnosed your dachshund with a back problem, they will recommend the appropriate treatment based on the severity of your dog’s condition.


How Are Back Problems in Dachshunds Treated?

The treatment for back problems in dachshunds varies depending on the severity of the condition. Mild cases of back problems may be treated with rest, pain medication, and anti-inflammatory drugs. Your vet may also recommend physical therapy or acupuncture to help your dachshund recover.

More severe cases of back problems may require surgery. Surgery is typically necessary if a dachshund has lost the ability to walk or has lost bladder or bowel control. The goal of surgery is to remove the herniated disc and relieve pressure on the spinal cord.

After surgery, your dachshund will need to rest for several weeks and may need physical therapy to regain their strength and mobility.


How Can Back Problems in Dachshunds Be Prevented?

While there is no way to guarantee that your dachshund will never develop a back problem, there are several things you can do to reduce their risk:

– Keep your dachshund at a healthy weight: Being overweight puts extra strain on your dachshund’s spine, so it is essential to keep them at a healthy weight.
– Limit their jumping: Jumping and activities that put strain on your dachshund’s spine can increase their risk of developing back problems. It is important to limit their jumping and other activities that put strain on their spine.
– Provide support: Dachshunds benefit from extra support for their back and neck. Consider using a support harness or ramp to help your dachshund get up and down from high surfaces.
– Use a high-quality dog food: Feeding your dachshund a high-quality dog food that is formulated for their specific nutritional needs can help keep them healthy and reduce their risk of developing health problems.



In conclusion, back problems are a common health concern for dachshunds due to their long and narrow body shape. While there is no way to guarantee that your dachshund will never develop a back problem, you can take steps to reduce their risk and give them the best possible care if they do develop a back problem. Remember to always consult your vet if you notice any symptoms of a back problem in your dachshund and follow their recommendations for treatment and prevention.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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