When Do Dachshund Puppies Open Their Eyes?

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Are you a new owner of a dachshund puppy? Are you wondering when your adorable fur baby will open their eyes? Dachshund puppies are curious and active dogs that bring joy to their families. However, as a responsible pet owner, it is essential to know the developmental stages of your puppy. In this article, we will discuss when dachshund puppies open their eyes and answer several related questions.


What is the ideal age for a dachshund puppy to open their eyes?

Dachshund puppies typically open their eyes around 10 to 14 days after birth. At around two weeks old, their eyes should be fully open and they will start to become more aware of their surroundings. It’s important to note that puppies develop at different rates, so the timing of eye-opening can vary slightly. If you have any concerns about your dachshund puppy’s development or health, it’s always best to consult with a veterinarian.


How do dachshund puppies open their eyes?

Dachshund puppies, like all puppies, are born with their eyes closed. Their eyelids are sealed shut, and they are unable to see anything for the first few days of their lives.

Typically, dachshund puppies will start to open their eyes around 10-14 days after birth. At this point, the eyelids will begin to separate, and the puppies will start to gain some vision.

The process of opening their eyes is a natural one and occurs gradually over several days. The puppies’ eyes will start to crack open at first, and then gradually widen until they are fully open. During this time, the puppies’ vision may still be blurry, but they will begin to see the world around them more clearly as their eyes continue to develop.

It’s important to note that during the first few weeks of a dachshund puppy’s life, their eyes are very delicate and vulnerable to infection. Therefore, it’s essential to keep their environment clean and ensure that their eyes are kept free from any discharge or debris. If you notice any problems with your puppy’s eyes, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, you should consult a veterinarian for advice.


Is there a difference in eye-opening between male and female dachshund puppies?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that there is a difference in eye-opening between male and female dachshund puppies. The eye-opening process is largely influenced by genetic factors and environmental conditions, such as nutrition and temperature. It is possible that individual differences may occur due to a variety of factors, but gender alone is not likely to be a significant predictor of eye-opening differences in dachshund puppies. If you are concerned about the eye-opening process of your dachshund puppy, it is always best to consult with a veterinarian.


What do I do if my dachshund puppy’s eyes do not open after 21 days?

While it is not very common, if your dachshund puppy’s eyes do not open after 21 days, there may be an underlying health issue. Your best course of action would be to take your puppy to a trusted veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.


Are dachshund puppies born with their eyes closed?

Yes, dachshund puppies are born with their eyes closed. Like many other mammals, their eyes are initially closed to protect them from damage during the birthing process.


Can dachshund puppies see when their eyes are closed?

No, dachshund puppies cannot see when their eyes are closed. It takes a few days for their eyes to develop enough to enable them to see.


How can I help my dachshund puppy when they just opened their eyes?

When your dachshund puppy’s eyes open, they will experience a whole new world. It would be best if you were careful to make sure that the environment they are in is safe. Initially, they will be very curious and will want to explore their surroundings. Give them enough space and time to adjust and explore their new world.


What changes can I expect from my dachshund puppy after their eyes open?

Once your puppy’s eyes open, they will start to gain more independence and explore their environment more actively. They will start to recognize you and your family members and begin to form deeper bonds with them.



In conclusion, it is essential to understand the developmental stages of dachshund puppies. Although each puppy develops differently, they usually open their eyes between 10 to 14 days after birth. However, if their eyes do not open after 21 days, there may be an underlying health issue. As a pet owner, it is vital to provide a safe environment and give them enough space and time to adjust. Enjoy every moment with your dachshund puppy and watch as they grow and develop into loving, playful dogs.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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