When Do Dachshunds Calm Down?

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You might be wondering when dachshund puppies calm down and become more controllable because doxies can be a rambunctious bunch. Following, we’ll go through all the key points of dachshund behavior, including playfulness, excessive eagerness, anxiety, and other topics you might be interested in.

Dachshunds generally begin to calm down around 2-3 years of age. However, every dog is different and some may take longer to mature and calm down. It is important to consistently provide proper training, exercise, and socialization for your Dachshund to help them develop good behavior and become well-behaved adult dogs.


What Are The Reasons Dachshunds Are So Energetic?

There are several reasons why Dachshunds are so energetic:

  1. Breeding: Dachshunds were originally bred for hunting small animals, such as badgers and rabbits. This means that they have a high prey drive and energy level.
  2. Genetics: Dachshunds have a high metabolism, which means that they burn energy more quickly and need more activity to stay healthy and happy.
  3. Exercise needs: Dachshunds need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. Without sufficient exercise, they may become overweight and develop behavioral problems.
  4. Playfulness: Dachshunds are naturally playful and love to play games, chase toys, and run around. This natural playfulness helps to keep them active and energetic.
  5. Training: Proper training and socialization can also help to keep Dachshunds energetic and well-behaved. Training allows them to focus their energy and can help to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.


How To Help a Dachshund To Calm Down?

There are a few ways you can help your dachshund calm down:

  1. Exercise: Make sure your dachshund is getting enough physical activity. This can help reduce their energy levels and calm them down.
  2. Training: Teaching your dachshund obedience commands can help them learn how to control their impulses and calm down on command.
  3. Dental care: Dental problems can cause discomfort and anxiety in dogs, so it’s important to regularly brush their teeth and check for any issues.
  4. Massage: Massaging your dachshund can help relax them and reduce stress.
  5. Music: Playing calming music or white noise can help soothe your dachshund and calm them down.
  6. Herbal remedies: Some herbs, such as chamomile or valerian root, have calming properties and can be used to help relax your dachshund.
  7. Reduce stressors: Try to minimize things that might be stressing your dachshund out, such as loud noises or unfamiliar people.
  8. Provide a calm environment: Make sure your dachshund has a quiet, comfortable place to relax and unwind.
  9. Consult with a veterinarian: If your dachshund’s behavior persists and you are unable to calm them down, it may be necessary to consult with a veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Overall, it’s important to be patient and consistent with your dachshund and to try different techniques until you find what works best for them.


What Are The Benefits Of Calming A Dachshund Down?

Calming a dachshund can bring numerous benefits for both the dog and the owner. First and foremost, a calm dachshund is a happier and healthier dog. They are less prone to anxiety and stress, which can lead to behavioral issues and physical health problems. Calming a dachshund can also improve their relationship with their owners, as they are more able to focus and obey commands.

This can lead to a more harmonious home environment and make training and handling the dog easier. Additionally, a calm dachshund is more pleasant to be around, making them a better companion and a more welcoming presence in public places. Overall, calming a dachshund can bring numerous positive changes to its behavior and well-being, making them a more enjoyable and fulfilling pet.



Calming a Dachshund can be a challenging task, as these small dogs are known for their high energy levels and excitability. However, with the right training and management techniques, it is possible to help your Dachshund learn to calm down and relax. One effective method is through the use of positive reinforcement, such as rewarding good behavior with treats and praise.

Another approach is to provide your Dachshund with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, such as walks, toys, and interactive play. It is also important to establish a consistent routine and establish clear boundaries so that your Dachshund knows what is expected of them. In conclusion, while calming a Dachshund may require some patience and effort, it is worth it for the sake of both your dog’s happiness and your own peace of mind.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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