Why Do Dachshunds Eat Grass

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Dachshunds are known for their playful nature and loving temperament, but they are also known for their tendency to eat grass. While many experts believe that this behavior is largely harmless, some owners may still be concerned about their pet’s grass-eating habits. Here’s everything you need to know about why Dachshunds eat grass and how to stop this behavior.


Why do Dachshunds eat grass?

There are several reasons why Dachshunds eat grass. One common theory is that they do it to soothe an upset stomach. Grass contains folic acid, which has been known to aid in digestion, and it also provides roughage that helps move food through the intestinal tract. Another possibility is that grass simply tastes good to them, and they enjoy the texture and flavor of the blades. Additionally, some dogs may eat grass out of boredom or curiosity. It’s important to note that if your Dachshund is exhibiting other signs of illness, such as vomiting or diarrhea, you should consult with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.


Is it safe for Dachshunds to eat grass?

While many experts believe that eating grass is generally safe for dogs, there are some potential risks involved. For example, some grasses may contain chemicals or pesticides that can be harmful to your pet. Similarly, grass that has been treated with fertilizers may contain toxic chemicals that can cause gastrointestinal distress. Additionally, if your Dachshund ingests large amounts of grass, they may be at risk of developing an intestinal obstruction or choking on a foreign object.


How to stop a Dachshund from eating grass?

If you’re concerned about your Dachshund’s grass-eating habits, there are several steps you can take to discourage this behavior.

1. Provide plenty of exercise and stimulation: Dachshunds are an active breed that require plenty of physical activity and mental stimulation. If your pet is bored or restless, they may be more likely to eat grass out of curiosity or frustration. Make sure your Dachshund is getting enough exercise and playtime to keep them happy and content.

2. Offer an alternative chew toy or treat: Dachshunds love to chew, and providing a safe, chew-friendly toy or treat can help redirect their desire to munch on grass. Choose a durable toy or bone that is specifically designed for dogs, and make sure to supervise your pet while they are chewing.

3. Train your dog to “leave it”: Teaching your Dachshund the “leave it” command can be a useful tool for discouraging unwanted behavior. Start by offering your pet a treat while saying “leave it” in a firm but gentle tone. When your dog ignores the treat, reward them with a different treat or a praise. Over time, your dog will learn to associate the “leave it” command with a positive reward and will be more likely to obey.

4. Change your dog’s diet: If your Dachshund is eating grass out of a desire for roughage or fiber, you may want to consider changing their diet. Adding more vegetables and leafy greens to their meals can provide the nutritional benefits of grass while also helping to curb their cravings.

5. Improve the quality of your backyard grass: If your Dachshund spends a lot of time in the backyard, you may want to consider investing in high-quality turf that is free from chemicals or pesticides. Grass that has been treated with fertilizers or other harmful chemicals can be dangerous for dogs to ingest, so it’s important to choose a safe, pet-friendly alternative.

6. Keep an eye on your Dachshund: One of the best ways to prevent your Dachshund from eating grass is to keep a close eye on them while they are outside. Supervision can help ensure that your pet doesn’t ingest anything harmful, and you can quickly distract them if they start to munch on grass.



In conclusion, while it’s not necessarily harmful for Dachshunds to eat grass, it’s important to monitor this behavior and take steps to discourage it if necessary. By providing plenty of exercise and stimulation, offering an alternative chew toy or treat, training your dog to “leave it”, changing their diet, improving the quality of your backyard grass, and keeping an eye on your Dachshund, you can help prevent them from ingesting harmful substances and ensure their overall health and well-being. If you have any concerns about your Dachshund’s grass-eating habits, don’t hesitate to consult with your veterinarian for advice and guidance.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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