Why Do Dachshunds Lick So Much?

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We can all agree that Dachshunds are expert lickers. Dachshund parents may have the cleanest kitchen floors, as these small hound dogs won’t let a crumb go uneaten! 

One of the cutest traits of the Doxies is their devotion to their owners, thus it only makes sense that they would want to show you how much they care by smothering you in kisses! Dachshunds have always used licking as a gesture of deference to their pack leader. This dachshund, who was once another one, now gives their human-in-charge a little licking affection as a sign of respect. The breed’s devotion to their human parents is understandable, but some of those unceasing kisses might possibly be motivated by the mouthwatering taste of salted skin or a perfumed lotion.

Like some people who bite their nails when they are agitated, dachshunds also lick when they are upset. They might be anxious, and licking is a means to draw your attention (especially if you usually react to their licking). It’s also totally conceivable that your doxie has stored up energy that they need to release if they haven’t been getting much activity lately. They might benefit from taking some long walks. The next most likely reason for dachshunds to lick you when it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to be affectionate is anxiousness.


How To Stop Your Dachshund From Excessive Licking?

While most people don’t mind the odd dog lick here or there, some people really don’t like it.

Perhaps you have a baby and want to prevent your Dachshund from licking his face. Perhaps it is just not the behavior that you want to encourage with your Dachshund, or perhaps they will lick their face if you don’t stop them.

If the exuberant licking of your dog is from a place of pure love, you need to put an end to it before it worsens. Otherwise, if their licking is simply a result of boredom or separation anxiety, the problem may be solved by providing them with more stimulation and attention.

The most effective way of teaching your dachshund not to lick is through a combination of verbal and body language as illustrated below:


1. When you see him licking excessively, give him a stern look and a short command – ‘no!’ or ‘no lick!’.

2. In combination with this, turn your body away and don’t look at him anymore.

3. Continue doing this every time your dachshund excessively licks you and be patient. This behavior takes time and patience before he stops doing it completely.

4. Exercise. Dachshunds often lick out of boredom or stress. It may be time to ask yourself if your Dachshund is getting enough regular physical and mental exercise. Try tiring your dog out and see if the licking persists.

5. Seek Veterinary Council. Dachshunds commonly lick their paws if they have allergies, an irritating nail, or even an ingrown hair between paw pads. You may want to see a veterinarian if your Dachshund won’t stop licking their paws, as there could be a health issue that needs attention.

6. Dachshunds are infamously anxious dogs, and sometimes they lick as much as they do to self-soothe. As discussed, there are scent markers in their saliva, and a bit of bathing releases those. You won’t notice the smell, but your dachshund does, and they find it therapeutic.


There are various ways to handle canine stress, but one of the more effective is using pheromone dispensers. This help prevents your dachshund from licking so much because the scent marker your dachshund is looking for is being released into the environment without them expending any effort. 


Top Reasons Dachshunds Lick Extensively


1. Your Dachshund Is Stressed
Stress can be brought on by various factors, but the common denominator is typically a significant change, like: Death in the family New family member Moving house


2. Nausea
One reason your dachshund licks so much is because of nausea. This won’t be true every time your dachshund licks you, themselves, or a pet spot on the floor, but if your dog recently gobbled something they shouldn’t, nausea might be the outcome. It might also explain why your dachshund licks so much. You have to think about nausea-induced floor-licking as a dog’s version of our compulsion to swallow when struck by nausea. The repetitive mouth movement is soothing and can help alleviate symptoms.


3. Your Dachshund Wants Attention
Of course, illness isn’t always the explanation for why dachshunds lick so much. Dachshunds are fabulously clownish dogs, and they’re extremely devoted. They like nothing better than to have you at the center of their little dachshund universe. That being the case, sometimes your dachshund licks you to get your attention.


4. Asking for Food
If the part of you your dachshund licks routinely is your face, they might be asking for food. Doxies love their food almost as much as they love their people, and when they can combine those two loves, nothing makes them happier.


5. Grooming Behavior
While some dachshunds lick as much as they do out of a mercurial desire for food or affection, others just want you to smell like them. One way dachshunds do that is by washing you. Like many animals, their saliva contains scent markers, and when they lick you, whether on the hands, face, or feet, those markers transfer to you. Now there’s no chance a strange dog will think you don’t have a dog of your own.


6. Your Dachshund Is Bored
Another answer is that your dachshund is bored. There’s a popular misconception that dachshunds are low-maintenance dogs because they are little. But dachshunds need a surprising amount of energy and entertainment for their size. Without enough to occupy them, your dachshund may start licking compulsively as a way of entertaining themselves.


7. Parasites
A parasite, such as fleas, ticks, or lice, may also be the cause of your dachshund’s excessive licking. Numerous of these parasites cause skin conditions like hives or itchy skin. Your dachshund licks itself obsessively to treat the issue and get rid of the irritation. Unfortunately for your doxie, licking only provides momentary alleviation and doesn’t address the underlying issue. Pay attention to the areas that your dachshund frequently licks. Fleas like to hide out at the base of the tail, which is where a doxie in the ideal position can access. Call the vet and request a dose of flea and tick treatment if it is the area that your pet keeps licking.



An in-depth understanding of your dog is necessary to determine what is causing your dachshund’s persistent licking. For instance, you may confidently rule out an underlying medical issue if they don’t show any other symptoms.

The best thing you can do is to be aware of how much licking is typical from your dachshund. Call the vet if you notice any sudden changes.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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