Why Does My Dachshund Lick Me So Much?

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Is your dachshund attempting to lick your face all the time? Love it or loathe it? What does that signify, then? Most people assume that it implies kisses and affection, but your dachshund may be licking for a variety of reasons.

Why lick your face do dachshunds? To express their love for you, dachshunds will lick your face. Other motives can be to demonstrate their submission, to taste your skin, or to groom you. Your dachshund may lick itself compulsively to let you know that something is wrong.

Dachshunds are notorious for licking everything, including their own skin! They might lick the floor, your blankets, chairs, clothes, and even your excrement! Because they are curious dogs, they will pounce on the nose (and tongue) first to investigate everything. Along with everything else, they frequently attempt to lick your face, so it’s important to understand the potential significance of these attempts.


What Are The Reasons My Dachshund Licks Me So Much?

  • Your dachshund is being affectionate

Dachshunds have enormous hearts and are friendly, affectionate canines. They enjoy being surrounded by their loved ones and showing you affection. In essence, your sausage dog adores you and expresses it through saliva!

When you first get home, dachshunds frequently attempt to lick your face. He might offer you a warm, slobbery greeting even if you’ve just been gone for a few hours to let you know how much he’s missed you.

Dogs can experience a burst of endorphins from licking your face, which makes it quite calming. Similar to how people feel when they hug one another, affection makes sausage dogs feel cozy and at ease. Additionally, he might believe you taste great and like to lick your salty skin!


  • Your dachshund is being submissive

Due to their origins as hunting dogs, dachshunds are pack animals and possess strong pack instincts. In a pack, inferior dogs would lick the mouths of superior dogs as a sign of deference. Your dachshund may be obeying you by licking the area surrounding your mouth.


  • Your dachshund is following his natural instinct

When they are very young, dachshund puppies lick their mothers’ mouths because they want their mothers to vomit solid foods into their mouths (yeah, it’s gross). Therefore, licking your tongue might just come naturally to him.

Dachshunds also have a natural instinct to lick other pack members to keep them clean. He might believe that by providing you with a much-needed groom, he is doing you a great favor.


  • Your dachshund is trying to tell you something

Licking is a common way that dogs talk to one another. So, if your dog is licking your face, he may be trying to communicate with you. It could be that he wants to express his affection for you or that he wants to make you aware of a problem. Although it can be challenging to understand his messages, it is worth making sure he is not hurt and has adequate water, among other things.


When Is Licking A Problem?

Most dog licking is harmless and often encouraged as a form of self-expression. There’s no reason to be concerned that it’s a type of dominance, according to Burch; in fact, the reverse is true.

According to one notion, licking is a gesture of submission, a woman says. The theory is that submissive canines will lick a more dominating group member.

Even yet, there are times when you would want to prevent your dog from slobbering. First, some people just don’t like being licked; this is related to human comfort. Redirecting the behavior is better for both dog and companion if you have a friend who doesn’t like to be licked.

But there are situations when licking is a sign of a more serious issue. It could be an indication of nervousness, boredom, or pain if your dog is excessively licking itself, you, or things in a way that appears to be self-stimulatory. An indication of allergies or other health issues is compulsive self-licking.


How Do You Stop A Dachshund From Licking Your Face?

1. Don’t reward your dachshund

Don’t give your dachshund any food, cuddles, or pats if he starts licking you. If you do, he will believe that licking your face is a method of getting treats!


2 Turn around or leave the room

Your dachshund will know you don’t like his behavior if you ignore him or leave the room when he licks your face. He’s probably merely licking you to attract your attention, let’s face it. He won’t be as eager to lick you in the future if he doesn’t receive what he wants.


3. Train your dachshund to lick on command

It’s acceptable if you don’t want to turn your back on your dachshund or leave the room. With a straightforward order like “Kisses!” you can teach him when it IS and ISN’T appropriate to lick you. Allow him to lick you just when you ask him to, and give him treats when he kisses you and behaves properly.


4. Exercise your dachshund.

Your dachshund may be constantly licking you because he has too much stored up energy and is overly stimulated. Dachshunds must exercise every day. To calm him down and rein in that tongue, take him for a stroll or play with him at home.



An in-depth understanding of your dog is necessary to determine what is causing your dachshund’s persistent licking. For instance, you may confidently rule out an underlying medical issue if they don’t show any other symptoms.

The best thing you can do is to be aware of how much licking is typical from your dachshund. Call the vet if you notice any sudden changes. And good luck convincing your dachshund that their food comes from a tin and not from you in the interim. Our dachshunds are still not persuaded.

Jenny Garcia

Jenny Garcia

Owner of the cutest dachshund on earth

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